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"I was thinking I would make lasagna" Alyssa said as they both walked through the front door. Paul pumped his fist into the air, attempting to whoop but coming out as more of a howl.
"YES! lasagnas the best!" Paul hyped taking off his shoes at the door.
"I'm glad you like it" Alyssa smiled before turning to go to the kitchen.
"woah woah, whens youre dad gonna be home?" Paul asked, holding onto her arm to stop her from leaving yet.
"in an hour or so" Alyssa said turning to face Paul and the mischievous smirk on his face.
"that's quite a lot of time" Paul grinned, grabbing alyssa by the waist and pulling her closer to him.
"no, the lasagna takes a while" Alyssa denied with a pout on her lips "but maybe if I finish it quickly we might have some time left" she hinted, Paul immediately ran to the kitchen collecting ingredients she might need, alyssa chuckled to herself before following his lead.

"now that that's done" Paul hinted in a low voice stepping closer to Alyssa and wrapping his arms around her waist and pushing her against the counter.
"mmmm, whatever shall we do with all this time?" alyssa linked her hands behind Paul's head, smirking up at the tall boy infront of her.
"I have a few ideas" Paul said, easily picking Alyssa up by the thighs and sitting her on the counter. Alyssa moved her hands down his back, smiling at the goosebumps she caused him. She tucked her fingers into the waist band of his black joggers and tugged him closer in between her legs, smirking up at him still. Paul's hands travelled toward her lower back, going even further down until he could pull her closer to him, their lips meeting in the middle,
"my dads gonna be home any minute" Alyssa tore her lips away only long enough to speak before joining again. One of Paul's hand was rested on her butt,making her arch her back, the other hand in her hair, running circles on her scalp.
"I don't care" paul whispered, catching his breath at the same time before returning to the kiss again.

However much it pained Alyssa to push him away, she had to for the sake of her poor father's eyes if he ever saw her making out with Paul.
"well my dad will care, I'm sorry baby, we'll have some real alone time soon I swear" alyssa promised, smiling sadly at him before slipping off of the counter.

Smiling up at Paul as he towered over her.
"I know hermosa" Paul smiled bending down for a small sweet kiss before grabbing her hand and leading her to the living room. "what are we gonna watch then?" he asked.
"whatever you want" she smiled and passed him the remote.
"porn alright with you?" Paul joked as he flicked through the channels.
"well, i know my dad would love to walk in on that" Alyssa chuckled curling up into Paul's side.
"how about some supernatural?" she suggested kissing his shoulder before returning her eyes to the screen.

Paul's hand was draped over Alyssas shoulder when the door opened. Paul's hand immediately lifted from its place before alyssa grabbed it and put it back, Alyssa snuggled further into Paul's side.
"hey dad!" she called over her shoulder "I made lasagna" Paul smiled down at her, squeezing his girl.
"hey baby, you watching supernatural without me?" he chuckled entering the living room and smiling at his daughter and Paul. "aahhh, you have a friend over" he winked at his daughter and sat in the armchair.
"boyfriend actually" she smiled up at Paul. "isn't that right?"
"sure is Rica" Paul smiled equally as wide before turning to Alyssas father.
"hey Stanley, how've you been?" Paul asked casually.
"I've been good kid, hope you're treating my girl right?" her dad asked making Alyssa roll her eyes.
"with all due respect she's my girl now" Paul chuckled along with Stanley.
"in your dreams son" Stanley laughed "when's this lasagna ready then love?"
Her dad asked, watching the tv.
"couple minutes I guess" just as she spoke the timer went off, both men jumped from their seats and sped to the kitchen, Alyssa knew they would get on well.

"mmm this looks delicious" her dad complemented, grasping her hand on the table before picking up his fork.
"it really does hermosa" Paul smiled at her before digging into his own,meal.
"hermosa?" her father questioned.
"it means gorgeous" Paul said without hesitation.
"you aren't lying there" her dad said "so, how did the date go?" both teens smiled at each other before replying.
"really well, Paul was a gentleman and I only drank one of your beers" Alyssa smiled smugly at him.
"I haven't forgotten about that, you still owe me" he teased.
"yeah, I'll have to get back to you on that one" Alyssa smiled.

His Hermosa, Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now