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"TELL ME!" her mother yelled, her fingers like iron knots around her wrist.
"he's a coward" Alyssa felt the pain bubble in her chest, the deciet spilling from her mouth like acid from a snakes fangs, now she was the evil one, tempted by the apple of peace and silence.
"SPEAK UP" Stella moved even more forward, her mouth centimeters from Alyssas eyes.
"he's a coward" Alyssa said, louder this time, she tried not to let her sobs break her words but they did, just like the coward she is she let her emotions get the better of her. Tears stained her tanned skin, she felt them rolling, stopping only when they had ran out.

Her mother released her from her grip, Alyssa fell to the floor in a mess of sobs and sweat. Her back hurt where she fell but she quickly picked herself up and ran to her room, grabbing her phone as she ran to her bathroom, locking the door behind her. she winced at the sound of smashing downstairs as she dialed the number she had memorised, she looked in the mirror momentarily and noticed the bruise already staining her cheek, much worse than last time.
"hey baby, is your dad- what's wrong? I'm coming over right now" Paul rushed out after hearing Alyssa sob
"don't hang up!" she strained before he put his phone down. She couldn't bare to be alone right now.
"alright baby I'll run" he said after a seconds consideration"Im not gonna leave baby" Paul was breathing slightly heavy as he sprinted his way through the forest, the trail completely forgotten as he focused on her smell guiding his way, sun-kissed lavander. "are you hurt?" Paul asked, as Alyssa stepped out of her bathroom cautious not to make a noise, she spared a glance to her wrist which had four red finger marks dug deep into her skin.
"a little bit" she whimpered, trying her hardest to stop her bottom lip from quivering.
"I'm almost there Rica" Paul came out of the clearing and almost fell to his knees when he saw her looking out of her window, her cheek purple and blue, he pushed himself on, his knees feeling slack when he saw her wrist as she went to open her window. Paul lept up to the ledge outside of her window, grasping it with his strong hands and hauling himself up, in one easy movement he was climbing through her window.

Alyssa immediately buried her face in pauls chest as soon as he stepped foot into her bedroom, Paul's arms wrapped tightly around her, attempting to cover every inch of her and protect her from everything lifting her slightly in the process. Alyssa finally felt grounded, her sobs bubbling out from the frozen surface, finally melting at Paul's warm touch.
"its okay baby I won't let her touch you again" he whispered into her hair, tears of his own falling down his skin.
"I was so scared" she whimpered gripping Paul's white t-shirt in her fists, Paul kissed her forehead softly, keeping his lips there for a few seconds before his brain kicked into action. He left her side, picking up her school bag from beside her door and passing it to her.
"what are you doing?" she sniffled, holding onto the bag tightly as if it replaced the hole he left.
"your not staying here" he deadpanned, picking up a duffel bag and picking her favourite clothes to put inside, making sure to grab her a toothbrush and her tampons.
"where am I gonna go?" she shook her head, pushing her bag to one side and standing up, lifting the bag out of Paul's hand and placing it on the floor beside her to the side.
"baby I can't leave" she whispered, stroking his face with her hand, Paul closed his eyes at her touch, her delicate fingers wiping away his tears. "my dad can't handle her alone" Paul shook his head, not taking any of it.
"your dad can move out, he can start a new life with you. One thing I know for sure is that you are not staying with her"
"where can I go?" she asked again
"when Sam says something he means it, you can stay with him for a little while until your dad finds his feet" he assured, picking her bag back up and putting a hairbrush in there before zipping it up and slinging it over his shoulder.

Paul held his hands out for Alyssa to take, she smiled sadly at him, shaking her head slightly, more tears falling down her cheeks.
"baby, I need you safe. I need to know your not in danger and Sam can protect you, I can protect you" Paul assured,taking a step toward her and lowering his head to press a soft kiss to her lips, lifting her up at the same time. Paul grabbed her school bag from off of the bed and slung it over his spare shoulder. Alyssas arms wrapped around Paul's neck, burying her face in the crook of his neck.
"I love you" she whispered as Paul slid under her window, shutting it behind himself and walking across the ledge, sliding down the roof slope all the while making sure Alyssa was safe.
"I love you too, hermosa" peal whispered as he made his way acrood her front yard and toward the forest.

His Hermosa, Paul Lahote Where stories live. Discover now