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"You think you're ready to take me on?" Sam taunted, a light smile on his lips as he stood casually across from alyssa in the small clearing.
"of course" she said raising one eyebrow and shrugging her shoulders.
"just remember -"
"yeah yeah I know; protect your head, don't cover you're eyes and inhale when you punch" she groaned "I've got it, I took down Paul and embry in seconds" Sam chuckled
"but I'm the alpha" he said "I'm much stronger" Alyssa feigned a yawn making Sam laugh more.
"come on then enough bark, let's bite"
Alyssa rolled her eyes at the pun and readied herself, sam smirked at the focused look on her face.

"go"sam dug his toes into the soil as he sprinted across the clearing, in a few leaps he was inches away from alyssa, he swung his fist and just as his calloused knuckles made contact with her cheek, she saw her chance, Alyssa jabbed her elbow into his ribs as she dodged past him, smiling at his groan of pain, once more they were across from each other.
"small jabs, don't leave yourself without cover" she smirked, relaying his own advice onto him
"yeah I did it on purpose, I wanted to see if you were paying attention" he shrugged, Alyssa roared with laughter at his blatant lie.
Sam straightened himself up, smiling briefly before pouncing on Alyssa. His feet heading straight for her ribs as he barreled downwards, Alyssa gripped his ankle roughly and pushed him to the side, whilst dodging his body at the same tjme, he hit the ground roughly, and slightly winded, giving Alyssa time to pounce ontop of him, pinning him to the floor with by all four limbs.
"weldone" Sam smirked at Alyssas hair, once in a neat bun now resembling a birds nest on her head.
"can we please go home now, Emily told me she was making burgers" Alyssa whined rolling off of Sam and dusting herself off.
"haha, okay kidddo" Sam stood up and waited for Alyssa to grab her bag before heading off.

"did you guys have fun? " Emily asked as she untangled herself from Sam's loose grip to dish up.
"yeah,he's just salty I beat his ass" Alyssa smirked
"damn right you did" Paul said from behind Alyssa, bringing her hair gently into a low ponytail, pulling the hair band off of his wrist and delicately wrapping it around twice before kissing her forehead soflty.
"she needs to work on her defence but, she was okay I guess" Sam shrugged.
"you're just mad I pinned you like a fly" Alyssa dismissed standing from the seat to let Paul sit, before sliding back into his lap, smiling at the feel of his calloused fingers tracing patterns on her hips.
"we'll see next time, when I'm not going easy on you" Sam smirked, Emily rolled eyes and gently slapped Sam's cheek.
"just tell her she did a good job" she smiled to alyssa before sitting in her seat.
"you did a good job" Sam said, sincerity clear in his voice.

Alyssa and Paul lay under their covers, both of them soothed by the sound of the rain tapping on the window, a slither of light let through the thin fabric draped over the window shine on the both of them.
"I love you" Alyssa whispered as she wrapped her legs around Paul, like a koala on a tree.
"I know" Paul said smugly, Alyssa rolled her eyes and slapped his chest.
"you're supposed to say it back"she complained
" it back" Paul chuckled as he sensed Alyssas eyes rolling so far into the back of her head she could see her brain.
"you're gonna be a good dad" she smiled, his head snapped up, eyebrows raised.
"what?" he asked cautiously.
"I mean you're already telling dad jokes" she smirked.
"oh" Paul laughed and laid his head back down.
"did you think I was saying i was pregnant?" Alyssa asked, a taunting smirk on her lips
"well I mean you said..." Alyssa burst out in laughter.
"but we haven't even had sex!" Alyssa laughed even harder.
"I know I just, I dunno I guess it's been on my mind" he shrugged.
"what?!" she screeched incredulously.
"well I mean we're imprints and-"
"I am not shelling out any babies" she said in a duh tone.
"what?" he asked, looking upset,
"I mean I want kids but i don't want to give birth or anything" she said.
"why not?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed.
"are you kidding me?! Imagine swallowing a watermelon whole,popping it out of a golf ball sized hole, then having to deal with post partem depression, incontinence and a ruined vagina" she painted the picture, cringing at the thought.
"wow, you've really thought about this" he sighed, laying his head back down onto the pillow.
"I'm sorry baby, I just, I don't know yet, maybe we should wait till we have actually done it to figure this out yeah?" she suggested.
"yeah I guess" he sighed again.
"maybe that could be soon though" Alyssa hinted, kissing Paul's neck gently, moving her way to his perfect jawline. Paul swallowed heavily, alyssa could hear his heart beating faster.
"what do you mean?" he asked. Alyssa stopped kissing his jaw and looked him in the eyes.
"I mean I want you, every single part of you" she smiled, mirroring the huge smile on his face.
"believe me when I say I have wanted nothing more than that for the last few weeks" Paul said, "but maybe we should wait till after the funeral" he suggested, hesitating before the word, as if she wasn't constantly replaying it in her head.
"yeah, you're right. I just feel like there's always gonna be something stopping us" Alyssa sighed, laying her head on his chest. "first it was my mum then it was 'not on the forest floor alyssa' and now my dad" she mocked his voice,making them both laugh
"baby, I'm not gonna be able to hold out for much longer, I promise you, soon" Alyssa smiled up at him, giggling slightly.
"I would happily have you're kids if it meant being with you" she smiled. Koala hugging him again.
"I know" he smiled, locking his lips to hers for a brief moment, and like everytime they kissed, he didn't think he'd be able to stop. "I love you too" he said, smiling at Alyssas contented sigh. Taming a lion.

"when are you going to start teaching me how to fight in wolf form" Alyssa asked over a bowl of granola, sitting across from Sam as both of their imprints still slept upstairs.
"we need to teach you how to phase yet" he said, straightening out the newspaper in front of him.
"when will we do that?" she asked again. Sam sighed, laying the paper down and folding his arms across his chest.
"I have a feeling you're trying to distract yourself from your dad's funeral tomorrow" he said, stopping alyssa mid-chew.
"so you're a therapist now?" she said sarcastically.
"no, but I'm your brother and I know when somethings on your mind so tell me what's bothering you" he leant forward, placing his elbows on the table in true listening fashion.
"I've just never been to a funeral before and I'm anxious, I don't know how everything's supposed to happen I mean do I have to make a speech? Am I supposed to cry? Do I greet the people? When we get there do we-" he was cut off by Sam's, reassuring hand laying on her own from a cross the table.
"the funeral starts at 12 but you should probably get to the crematorium at quarter to; me, Paul and Emily will walk you the crematorium" he smiled at the slight relief on her face, he remembered his father leaving when he was younger and the stress of having to deal with it alone, not knowing how to act or what to do was a feeling he didn't want alyssa to have "once we're there we will sit at the front, you don'thave to say anything if you don't want to, a curtain will close after the ceremony and he will be cremated, do you want me to keep going?" he asked, with kind eyes.
"yes please" Alyssa smiled warmly, taking in the information and using it to douse the anxiety burning inside of her.

"God why are you up so early?!" Paul complained, yawning as he walked down the stairs, bags under his eyes despite waking up hours after Alyssa, she looked behind her, her mouth hanging in shock as she saw Paul's shirtless body, his grey joggers hanging low on his hips.
"its eleven o'clock" Sam defied, making a disgust in his eyes as he saw the look on Alyssas face "put a shirt on Paul you're gonna give her a heart attack" Paul chuckled, grabbing an apple off the side and leaning against the counter, he ran his hand through his hair. Slowly. The muscles In his back tensing.
"Paul stop" Alyssa whined in a high pitch tone, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his waist, burying her head in his armpit, the tumble from his laughter calming her, Paul loved having Alyssa under his arm, Alyssa, the badass, the hard headed woman snuggled into his side, sighing in content, like taming a lion.

"you guys disgust me" Sam claimed, trying to hide the smile on his lips.
"no, you're happy we're happy" she said looking satisfied when he gave a small nod
"so are you planning on doing anymore training today?" Paul asked non chalamtly,
"no Sam's got patrol with embry" Alyssa said taking a bite from Paul's apple as it rested in his large palm.
"so it's just you me jake and Jared?" she asked.
"yeah..." Paul looked suspicious
"YESS!!" Alyssa pumped her fist in the air "me and jake used to play this game with embry and quil,its just rugby but with two players per team" she explained.
"quill, eh?" Paul teased, pumping his eyebrows and making kissy noises.
"Paul" Alyssa whined, apping him on the arm "still too soon" Alyssa chuckled, dragging him by the arm to the phone so she could call Jacob and cuddle him at the same time.
"wait, I don't get, so it's just rugby?" Paul asked confused.
"there are other rules like you have to-" she was cut off by Jakes voice on the other end of the line
"JAKE!" she exclaimed too loudly into the phone.
"what?" he said in a groggy tone, obviously just waking up.
"guess what we're gonna play today?"
"no way!" he sounded more enthused.
"YES!" she shouted back, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
"i'll be there in five" Alyssa turned around just after Paul and Sam exchanged worried glances at each other.
"what are you waiting for? We need to set up the pitch!" Alyssa exclaimed running out the front door. Paul began to follow before Sam caught his arm.
"keep her distracted today, she need to keep her mind off of it" Paul nodded, a soft smile on his lips as he ran after Alyssa
"Hey! Wait up!"

Again, really sorry about the wait and the short chapter, but I'm already starting the next one so it should be out soon, hope you enjoyed!

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