Chapter 3

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Soft green lights and a rhythmic beeping from a heart monitor machine wake me from my sleep. By no means was this my home or the hospital, but I could tell that it wasn't somewhere I would be unsafe.

The dull pain emitting from my side inspired me to take a quick inventory with my body. My side should have been throbbing from the pain, but it looked as though I was hooked up with fluids from an IV to help ease the suffering. I turned my head until my right ear was flat against the table and I saw a man standing close by.

It took only a few blinks until my vision came back and I saw Oliver Queen with his Arrow suit on. 'Wow... Slade was telling me the truth.... but why?'

Oliver had no hood or mask on and was talking to his bodyguard and... my sister?

That was the most confusing part of everything. How could Felicity keep that kind of secret from the girl she shared a house and blood with? Confusion and pent up fear surfaced in my body and the only thing i thought of was getting the hell out of there!

I ripped all of the tubes and the wires out of my body as quick and silently as I could before I got off of the table.


I ended up falling off of the table in my attempt, not realizing how weak I was at the time. Oliver rushed over with the others close behind him, which is exactly what I was trying to avoid- attention.

"Hey, hey, hey... Y/N, take it easy." He held my shoulders to steady me and helped me up. "I'm fine!" I snapped. I was clearly confused and stressed from my newest discovery that Oliver Queen was some sort of double agent. "Please... don't touch me."

Oliver didn't listen to my wish. Instead, he continued to help me until I was back safely on the stainless steel table. "No," I protested, "I want to go home."

"Okay, I can-" Oliver started. I put my index finger up towards him to stop the sentence I knew was forming. "Not from you, Oliver... Or should I say Arrow?"

All three of them paused and stared at me for an awkward moment. 'Don't they get why I'm upset? A psycho man in a mask shoves a sword in my side all because, what? Because my sister just happened to forget to mention that my new friend- as well as SHE- was involved in vigilante crap?'

If I had just known, I could have brushed up on some old habits and I could have protected myself! If it was something this severe- that I could have lost my life over their secret, then Felicity should have told me.

But the fact is, she didn't.

Is this why he insisted on the alarms? Driving me home? Showing up to work every day for the past month? Is this where Felicity has been running off to when she says she has 'work?'

Everything started to come together now and started to make more sense that they were in this particular business.

"I can take you home..." Felicity offered cautiously, probably not wanting to get her ass chewed like Oliver did. I simply shook my head, then looked at Diggle, "Can you take me?"

Why? Two reasons. 1. Diggle hadn't been lying to me, since I didn't really know him like that. 2. I only really knew his name at the time. No emotional connections.

"Y/N, please-" Felicity's voice cracked from trying to hold back her tears. I chose to give her a glance with slit eyes instead of yelling at her.

Diggle was gentle when he helped me up from the table; he took his time helping me up the stairs since I could only go but so fast.

I'm sure this scene would have been awkward if I wasn't so pissed.

The ride home was a quiet one, which I liked. It seemed like I chose the right driver to take me home. The car came to a stop in front of my house; Diggle came around to get me out. I would have tried getting out myself, but for some reason the child locks were on?

"You don't have to listen to me, especially not right now, but Oliver... He didn't tell you because he was trying to protect you. He cares about you, Y/N."

I scoffed in response, "Protect me?" I pushed off of using him as a crutch so I could latch onto the door handle. "Diggle, is it? You really want to look me in the face again and say that he wants to protect me while I have a fucking hole in my side with God-knows how many stitches? If he wanted to 'protect' me, he would have either told me the truth or left me and my family the fuck alone."

Diggle didn't respond, he just nodded and left me to go inside.

'Why didn't I figure this out?

Why didn't Felicity tell me?

What really happened to Oliver Queen on that island?'

Thoughts flooded my head while I attempted to get some rest in the comfort of my own bed. 'I'm definitely going to have to call out of work tomorrow...'

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