Chapter 7

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-Russia -5 years ago-

"What happened to them..." I asked as I slowly walked through the room and examined the bodies.

I remember how they looked in the lowlight from the florescent bulbs. There were twelve of them- all dead. Each victim's eyes were dripping down their cheeks with blood.

"They call it Mirakuru. It means 'miracle.'" Vitka explained. I noticed the foot and wrist cuffs that detained them from getting up. Must have been a painful death... "What did it do to them?"

"We aren't sure... We believe that they are using it to make some sort of super soldier; they want to create an invincible, all-powerful man who cannot be stopped." Her voice sent shivers down my spine.

"They will never succeed." I muttered, trying more to convince myself. Vitka held open the door for me, "Not so far."

-End of Flashback-


Mmm... What a beautiful dream.

Wait. No.

Not a dream?

I investigated my immediate line of sight and instantly realized that my night with Oliver was far from any imagination or dream.

I rolled over to find an empty space beside me in the bed... 'That's fine... just another vigilante emergency, I'm sure.'

I put on last nights clothes before heading directly back to Verdant. The taxi driver was horrendous... She kept interrogating me since I was a woman who was leaving Oliver Queen's house in the light of morning.

I never even responded to a single question, so why did she keep pestering me?

After I made it to the club, I walked down the stairs; I am stopped in my tracks when I noticed Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity look up at me. Oliver seemed to be carrying the weight of the entire world on his shoulders again, which was worrisome to me to say the least.

Oliver turned to Felicity and Diggle and muttered a short sentence to them. I didn't know what he had said, but it must have been him asking them to leave the room so you and him could talk.

I cautiously walked closer to him.

He took notice of my hesitation and tilted his head curiously in response, "Are you okay?"


"Yeah? Are you?"

"Slade is back, Y/N. I need for you, now more than ever, to be somewhere safe. I want Diggle watching you until we can figure out where Slade is." After he saw the visible confusion on my face, Oliver checked his surroundings, "Y/N..."

I noticed he couldn't finish where he was going, "Last night..." I continued for him. Oliver pressed his lips together with a nod, "Was a mistake." He flatly stated.

The words twisted in my stomach in an uncomfortable way. A mistake? I saw him refuse to make eye contact with me. "A mistake?" I repeated out loud.

"Yes. A mistake, Y/N. I.. I had already had a few drinks and after what happened at the casino and that kiss, I fell victim to nothing short of lust. It didn't mean anything, but I did have fun and I hope you did as well."

How could his words be so flat? So matter-of-fact? I knew for sure that I never once tasted a drop of alcohol on his lips. Even if he was drinking, how about before that night when he kissed me that morning? There was no chance all of this was run on an adrenaline-filled mistake.

"We both have a lot of work to do, so I suggest we both get to it. We have an old friend to track down." With that last statement, Oliver left the room.

Roy walked in from the ally entrance and must have noticed the expression on my face, "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." He asked.

I quickly decided to push my emotions aside and I choked back any tears threatening my waterline, "I have work to do." I said flatly. I made my way to my computer at my desk. "Suit yourself." Roy shrugged.

Not even a minute later, Felicity walked back into the room and sat beside me. "I can't help but notice you're throwing yourself into your work right now.... Are you okay?"

"You know what, Felicity?" I broke my gaze from the computer, "I am sick of people asking me that question right now."

"Okay. Tell me what happened. I am your sister, you kinda have to tell me." She insisted.

"Oliver... He sorta... shared some things with me yesterday and proceeded to tell me today that being real with me was a mistake."

Felicity slowly nodded, "So... if I am deciphering your cryptic message correctly, 'shared some things' means something a lot more intimate than what you ate for lunch that day."

The lack of response made Felicity fill in the silence. I regretted not telling her about Oliver kissing me this morning... Maybe she could have warned me?

She opened her mouth to speak, but was promptly cut off by the Ally entrance door blasting open.

In the fit of sparks and smoke, I saw him as he stood there. "It's Slade." Felicity gasped.

"Oliver!" Felicity shouted.

Obviously, he was already aware something just happened.

A red arrow flew first from the target room towards Slade, followed immediately by Sara and Diggle who rushed in to fight.

"Felicity, down!" I shouted and pushed her underneath the table for cover. Oliver came from the adjacent room and stood between Slade and me, since I couldn't exactly hide under the desk also.

I wished I could grab the nearest weapon and help them. Somehow, I could tell that revealing to the team my little secret about who I used to be wouldn't exactly sit well in their stomachs.

Instead, I got down on my hands and knees and crawled towards another source of cover.

They all had Slade surrounded, doing the best they could to keep him from doing whatever his mission was.

Just as quickly as the fight had begun, it ended just as fast and Slade was gone.

"Check everything. See what is missing! He had to have come here for a reason." Sara growled, then frantically searched a nearby table.

"Is everyone okay?" Oliver asked.

I slowly stood up, breathing unevenly. The only word I could manage to form was "Oli..."

The entire team turned to see me standing in front of them, looking down at a small dart pierced through my leg. Attached to the needle was a completely empty canister, with the exception of a couple drops. "Oh, my God, Oliver." Felicity said, starting to freak out while looking at the drops left in the tube. "Mirakuru...."

Oliver caught me before I completely fell onto the ground underneath my own weight. My body started to involuntarily convulse. Within moments, I was screaming in agony and whirling around in Oliver's grasp.

"What do we do!?" Felicity cried. "Felicity, is S.T.A.R. Laboratories finished with that cure yet? We could really use it about now." Oliver responded and pulled me to the operating table.

"We don't have time, Oli. We wouldn't be abl-" Felicity stopped and grabbed her phone hastily, "Barry! Help! It's my sister, we need you!" She yelled into the phone.

Not even a minute later, Barry rushed in the room followed by a tangle of lightning.

"Do you have that cure we asked you to make?" Oliver asked Barry the instant he arrived. "They're working on something, but it hasn't been tested." Barry responded.

"Well, I guess it's time to test it now!" Oliver dragged me to Barry. "Her eyes are starting to bleed, hurry!"

Just as soon as Barry came, he left with me in his arms. If I wasn't being dealt a huge amount of pain, I could almost enjoy how quickly I travelled to Central City.

I heard feint voices fade out along with my vision and the pain until everything I saw and felt was nothing.

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