Chapter 37

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-After being Captured - Earlier today-

I was easily overpowered in my own house without having my weapons close at hand. Honestly, I wasn't convinced I stood a chance even if I was fully armed.

I defeated men like him before... but never alone.

"You've been busy, kid" Slade's words were like nails on a chalkboard to my ears. I couldn't hear a word Oliver was saying to him on the other end of the phone.

"And I pity them... But once again, you missed the point." Slade looked back behind him to me, who had a sword pressed gently against my throat by one of his soldiers. "I have the one you love."

Slade smiled devilishly at me before turning back around to talk on the phone, "You're going to meet me where I say... Otherwise, I am going to kill her." I had to force myself not to swallow the lump of anxiety in fear of cutting myself on the cold blade.

Whatever it was Oliver said to Slade, it pissed him off. "You're done when I say you're done!" He shouted angrily.

He took a few moments to calm himself before continuing with what he had to say, "I was surprised... I thought you had a thing for stronger women. But now that I've met her, I can see the appeal. She is quite lovely-"

Slade gracefully pulled out his sword from its resting spot on his back and slowly turned to see the fear on my face.

"Your Y/N."

-End of Flashback-


"Twitch and I'll open your throat. My first words to you." The chilling voice echoed through the entire building after I heard a sound of Oliver entering the establishment. My God... I hope he knows what he is doing...

I could feel the coldness of the sword against my neck chilling my bones to the core. I kept trying to stretch my neck up more and more to get away from the blade, but Slade constantly pulled the weapon closer with every inch I attempted to leave. He continued talking to Oliver in anticipation of his arrival, "Do you remember? ...I do. I remember the exact moment. My blade against your neck just like my blade is against the neck of your beloved. If only id killed you then... everything would be different."

Oliver came into sight with fully loaded bow pointed straight at Slade. The only thing I suspected was keeping him from releasing the arrow is how close Slade's weapon was to my neck. "Drop the bow, kid."

Oliver hesitated, but then I remembered an important fact- I had the cure in my pocket! Very gently and sneakily, I used my fingers to pull the cure out only enough for Oliver to see what I had in my pocket. "Do it." Slade growled at him since his bow was still drawn.

Oliver gently relaxed the tension in his bow, then placed it at his feet. I'm not close enough to a part of Slade that isn't fortified with armor... Oliver, I need your help. I said in my mind- if only Oliver could hear my thoughts.

Slade spoke once more, "Yes. Countless nights dreaming of taking from you all that you took from me-"

"By killing the woman I love..."


Oliver was a creepy level of calm the entire time he was speaking to Slade, "Like you love Shado..." he responded.


"You see her don't you? What does she look like in your madness, Slade? What does she say to you?" Slade released the sword from my neck, allowing my tense body to break down and dropped me to my knees. Likewise, I could finally swallow the lump in my throat and my eyes were able to tear up. I silently sobbed; have I ever been this terrified in my life?

"I remember her being beautiful... Young- Kind." Oli's words would normally soothe me if it weren't for Slade dragging his sword around my shoulders as he distractedly walked around the back of me. "She would be horrified by what you've done in her name."

"What I have done?" Slade snarled, being activated by Oliver's words, "What I have done is what you lack the courage to do. To fight for her! So..." Slade rested the edge of his sword on my shoulder by the flat part of the blade, "...When her body lies at your feet- her blood wet against your skin, then you will know how I feel!"

"I already know how you feel. I know what its like to hate... To want revenge- And now I know how it feels to see my enemy so distracted he doesnt see the real danger is right in front of him" Oliver glanced at me- This is my cue...

I gently stood up while digging the cure out of my pocket. Luckily, Slade was distracted by the words Oliver was using to dig into his mind. I took one deep breath, then I jammed the needle behind me into Slade's neck before hauling ass away from the length of his sword.

Oliver picked up his bow from the floor; Slade shouted in agony, then pulled the needle out of his neck.

He's too late.

"Y/N, go!!! Find Laurel!" Oliver demanded to me. "I will meet up with you, I promise!"

I wanted so badly to shout that I loved him, but I knew that now was far from the right time for that...

Please survive... I told him in my head.

I rushed out of the room to let Oliver fight Slade by himself. Thankfully, the cure worked its way through the bloodstream insanely fast.

I made my way to where Slade was holding me and Laurel. "Laurel!" I shouted in relief when I saw she was alive still. "Y/N!"

We got to know each other a bit while chained up down there... not that I wanted her to know much about me, but it was hard to deny when I was wearing superhero clothing.

"We're getting the hell out of here." I promised her, releasing her chains and grabbing her hand. She nodded quickly and followed me out of the building to safety.

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