Chapter 27

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I woke up to Oliver and Felicity both shaking me. Good, Felicity woke up first...

I sat up quickly and in a panic, "What happened!?"

"We have no idea..." Felicity responded with tears in her eyes. "Are you two okay?" Oliver asked, having one hand wrapped around to my shoulder furthest from him. "I... I think so...?" I responded, looking around.

Lucky for me, waking up in a completely different spot disoriented me and was helping to aid my act. "Who did this?" I asked Oliver while allowing him to help me to my feet. Felicity rushed to her computer, "No, no, no!"

I leaned against Oliver, holding his arm. Oof... muscles....

'Calm down. Focus.'

"That doesn't sound like good news... who was it? What happened" I questioned. Felicity looked at me with visible confusion, "No one... apparently."

Oliver furrowed his brows, "What does that mean?"

"They deleted everything. They took our security footage from today and even from the fight..." She clicked a few tabs on her computer, "Yep, looks like they took all of our files on Brennan, too... This must have been the League." Oliver slammed his fist on my desk with a loud "Dammit!"

"Oliver, it's fine. We can still get the information back on Brennan... This is just going to take longer than we had hoped." Diggle explained.

I decided to complain in response, "That was our only lead on who was protecting The Soldier... who knew about Oliver being the Arrow."

"Let me worry about that..." Oliver responded, allowing his hand to rub my shoulder gently. Diggle took note of his subtle gesture, "Oliver, why don't you take Y/N for some dinner while me and Felicity try to find a lead?"

Oliver glanced down at me, then back at Diggle with weariness. "Go on, we will call you if you're needed." Diggle assured.

To my luck, Oliver kept his arm around me so I could half lean against him while the two of us walked to his motorcycle. "I would have called a limo or something, but I didn't feel like changing out of my suit." He joked, handing me a glossy black helmet to borrow for the ride.

I gently slipped it over my hair, "Where are we going where that is considered proper attire?" Oliver slid his helmet on as well and hopped on the bike, "I make a pretty good chili..-" He suggested. Knowing he couldn't see me underneath the helmet, I allowed for myself to smile wide, "Sounds yummy."

I always loved riding on the back of his bike. More specifically, I loved being able to wrap my arms around his muscular body for an extended period of time without being judged for it.

A short drive later, we arrive at his house. "Thea is out of town right now, so we have the entire house to ourselves." Oliver told me while putting mine and his helmets away.

"I don't want to intrude if-" My words got cut off by Oli, "No, you're not intruding... If I'm being honest, it's been quite lonely here lately after mom..." His voice trailed.

I wrapped his hand in mine, interlacing my fingers with his. "Hey, don't worry.. you don't have to be alone tonight." Oliver looked down to me with a genuine smile. "Thank you."

Excuse me? Did Oliver just use the words 'thank' and 'you?'

The two of us entered the house; I immediately found my way to the comfortable sofa in front of the fire place. "Wanna turn that on before you start cooking?" I asked.

Oliver came into the room with no hood and no shirt on, "Sorry I was in the other room; what did you say?"

His abs distracted me from my thoughts. Hopefully I wasn't drooling, but I was in my right mind enough to see Oliver turning the fireplace on, "I was just asking... uh, for you to turn that on..."

My words were more of a statement, since he obviously heard me the first time. I watched carefully as Oliver stepped towards me, "You said you wanted me to turn something on?"

Every step he took closer to me revealed different ways for me to stare at his perfectly sculpted body. "I... uh," I stuttered. With a wide smile, Oliver jumped up onto the sofa with his feet at either side of my body, looking down at where I was laying. I couldn't help but release a giggle, "Oli... What are you doing?"

"You wanted me to turn it on, didn't you?" He asked, dropping down on his need to be sitting over my hips. "But like... I meant the fire." I protested with a wide smile. Before I could say anything else, Oliver leaned down the rest of the way and planted an amazing kiss on my lips. Naturally, I leaned in to it.

Things got interesting, but then I remembered...

'Fuck... he will wonder why there's an arrow shaped hole in my thigh...'

I was forced to break away from the kiss, "Oliver...." He shook his head softly, "No, please don't let this moment slip away from us."

His words were sincere and reached your core. Unfortunately, I still had to push him further away. "Oli, I can't do this- we can't do this..."

Oliver sat up with disappointment, "Why not?" He asked. I wanted to scoff, but held back- "As you said before, we can't live this type of life and expect to be able to have one another."

"Y/N... I can't explain to you how badly I want to have you in my arms every night. I don't want to keep pretending that I don't lov-" I cut him off instantly with real tears threatening my eyes, "No- no, don't say it... That isn't fair, Oliver!"

I sat up and wiggled out from under him; now it was personal and not just about my leg. "You can't keep doing this to me. We can't keep sleeping together or admitting feelings- or whatever it is that we keep doing."

Oliver stood up looking defeated, "I know... I'm sorry." He muttered, then added "I still think you should stay here tonight. I can make dinner and then we can sleep."

I nodded, "I would like that..."

Ugh. Why? Why did I have to fight Oliver? Why did he have to stab me in the leg? Why do I have to keep secrets from him? Why can't I just have this night with Oliver? Why can't the two of us just say how we feel and never have to let go?

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