Chapter 28

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-Starling City- 4 years ago-

I hated being back there... back in Starling. It killed me that I couldn't come back home or let my family know that I was alive. 3 years ago from this moment was when I disappeared. Whoever kidnapped me wanted information on my father; now that I was back in town, I wanted to make sure my sister was safe. After all, the reason I was in the city in the first place was because the group that kidnapped me was spotted here.

I remember thinking how distantly familiar all of the roads were... Starling didn't change at all. Looked like my sister didn't either.

I was watching from a rooftop outside of Queen Consolidated where Felicity worked. My League gear was fully equipped from the bow and arrows to the face mask and hood.

I took notice of how Felicity looked, but only through the light of street lamps. Admiring her aesthetic almost distracted me from the 6 men who were taking position around her. 'Oh, no you don't.'

I use your grappling arrow to zip down the building just in time to kick one of the men who had literally just put a hand on Felicity; I pushed her away from the fight.

I recall Felicity was screaming, but I couldn't remember how it sounded if I was honest; I were focused on protecting my family.

I shot an arrow in two of the other guys, leaving three more to deal with. Unfortunately, they were too close for arrows. Instead, I used the back of my bow to hit the first man.

In the corner of my eye you could see one of the remaining two reaching for his gun. Just in time, I had moved the man's body I was currently in combat with in front of me to take the bullets.

I threw his body to the floor when the man ran out of ammo, then used both of my swords to shove in each of the men's chests.

Once they were all down... permanently.... I turned my attention to my horrified sister. "I'm sorry you had to see that... Are you okay?"

She tried to regain steady breathing so she could respond, "I... I think so."

I turned my attention to where I could hear sirens blaring in the distance. "Do I... Have we met before?" Felicity softly asked; I instantly looked back to her.

"Can you keep a secret?" I responded, glancing quickly at the dead bodies. She nodded frantically.

Oh how I wished I could tell her everything. I wished I could rip off that mask and hood and hug her tight to tell her everything is okay and I was alive.

I settled for placing my hand gently on her cheek, which I knew was the closest to a hug I could have. "моя сестра..." I whispered softly before disappearing into the darkness.

-End of Flashback-


I woke up to see Oliver sleeping peacefully. Apparently, I had fallen asleep with my head rested in his lap; he fell asleep with his back against the sofa, sitting upright so he wouldn't disturb my sleep. I smiled to myself, 'If only I could wake up to this every morning...'

I took the opportunity to gaze at his muscles as well as the scars on his body that I hadn't had much time to examine. I remembered Oliver mentioning his scars before and how most of them were from being tortured... but I never noticed just how large the scars were until then.

Poor Oliver...

I decided to let Oliver sleep since he didn't seem to get much of it lately. Maybe I could rest a bit longer, too?

I rested my eyes and tried to get some extra sleep to pass the time. However, Oliver jumped awake and back to reality not even 3 minutes later. "Are you okay?" I sleepily asked, taking note of how abruptly his body woke him up. Oliver ignored the question, "Good morning... Sorry if you didn't want me to sleep right here... you seemed so peaceful."

"No, it's okay- you made a wonderful pillow." My warm smile made Oliver give one back in return. As the two of us were looking into one another's eyes, Oliver's phone started beeping. "Excuse me," he said. I gently sat up and began stretching while he dug in his back pocket for his phone. "It's Diggle... I have to go." I nodded, "I'll see you later. I'll be by the bunker later."

The two of us parted ways- Oli on his motorcycle and me in a taxi. "So, Oliver Queen, hmm?" The nosy taxi driver asked. My first instinct was to scoff at the judgement in her tone of voice, but I held it back. "It's not like that. Me and Oliver are friends."

I would have loved to slap that doubtful look off of her face...

I arrived to me and Felicity's house and I walked in expecting to be alone.

My leg started hurting even worse, "Ouch..." I muttered to myself. After grabbing my first aid from the kitchen, I made my way to the sofa and took my pants off to reveal the wrapped wound the Arrow gave me. Slowly, I unwrapped the old bandages. "Y/N...." a familiar voice softly greeted. I looked up to see Vitka in the corner of my living room with her usual assassin gear on. "Vitka! ..If I could, I would get up and hug you right now."

She chuckled in response, "You know I don't care much for that." There was a brief pause before she continued speaking, "I came here to thank you... I know getting back in that suit must have been hard for you, but it seemed like you were up on practice."

While she spoke, she came over to help clean and bandage my wound; I allowed her to do the work, "Well, I'm not 'back,' Vitka... I only wanted to help get you to safety and to free an innocent man." She smiled in approval, "And I thank you... Brennan still has a target on his back in the eyes of your team and the police; we have the information to put Howard behind bars now, but we fear no one will listen to us."

The dots were easy for me to connect, "But you think they'll listen to me."

"Yes.. If you decide to." Vitka handed me a small silver flash drive, "The information is all here. What you do next is up to you." She wrapped my leg one last time, "Keep off your leg as much as you can. I put a special healing herb in it to speed the process; you may fight, but it will be painful."

"Thank you, Vitka- for everything."

She used her pale hand to cup my cheek in a motherly manner, then disappeared when she left the room.

'How do I get the team this information without being asked where I got it?'

Keeping this secret was getting harder every day to hide from the team ever since the League reached out to me for help. Is this how Oliver feels every day hiding the truth from Thea or even Laurel?

What do you think Oliver would say if he knew? What do you think Felicity would think about it? Or even Barry?

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