Chapter 23

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-Russia -5 years ago-

I had one hand wrapped around my scimitar, the other using three fingers to check his pulse. "Y/N!" Echo shouted, pulling me up from the body. They always tried to teach me to forget the fallen until the war was over... but I could never listen.

The man we were up against was unlike any enemy I had ever encountered. He was strong... not like 'lift 300 pounds' strong, but like 'lift a building' strong.

I knew we were dealing with the Mirakuru drug Vitka showed me earlier that year, but I had no idea what exactly we were dealing with.

I stabbed my sword through his shoulder, but he pulled it out without even a flinch, then tossed me aside like I was nothing.

"We have to get out of here!" Echo yelled to me. I remember getting up to be met by the madman. Luckily, I was in the path for Vitka to get to Echo; Vitka threw a molotov at the man.

For a glimpse in time, I was surprised that the sight of a burning man didn't phase me in the slightest. But that? That was not a man. That was a monster.

He may have won the fight, but I hoped he knew the League would end him once we figured out how.

I scrambled to my feet and followed Vitka and Echo out of the warehouse. "We never should have chosen that battle." Vitka groaned in regret.

"We lost a lot of brothers and sisters today... I though you said the Mirakuru would never succeed." I complained, getting into a car with the two of them. "Even your mentor can be wrong sometimes, Y/N... This drug is much worse than I ever anticipated; we must figure out how to stop it."

-End of Flashback-


By time I got to the scene, Roy and Sara were already attempting to recover from what I gathered was a thorough ass-beating from Slade. My eyes fixed on Oliver, who was single handedly trying to fend off Deathstroke by himself.

'Only if they need me.' I silently reminded myself while I spied nearby. Just in case, I loaded my bow.

To my horror, Oli cried out in pain when Slade tossed him against a light pole like he was nothing.

'Get up, Oliver!' I shouted in my head.

This was it. This was my chance to prove to him I could handle it.

"Slade!" I snapped loudly, distracting him from Oliver's limp body. He turned around and I swear if his mask could form a smirk, it would have.... "Miss Smoak, so nice to see you back in Starling City."

His voice was chilling to the core, but I shook it off, "Enough chit chat." I snarled, releasing an arrow straight at his good eye.

Did he just...

Catch it?

I stared in absolute terror as he snapped the arrow in half that you had just shot. 'Shit.'

My heart started to beat faster and faster as I took steps backwards for every step Slade took towards me. My distraction was enough for Oliver to regain his strength, "Roy, Sara, Run!" I heard Oliver demand.

Before I knew it, Oliver sent an explosive arrow Deathstroke's way to prevent him from getting to me before he does. Oliver snatched me and rushed away towards the getaway car Diggle was driving.

"That was close." Roy exhaled, taking his hood off in the van. I glanced at Oliver from the corner of my eye, not wanting to stray from the window I'm pouting at. 'Yep, he's pissed.'

Sara rested her hand on mine to gather my attention, "Y/N... If you weren't there we probably would have been kille-"

"Sara!" Oliver sternly interjected, "Do not give her that. Diggle had a shot lined up that he couldn't take because-" He pointed a finger angrily at me, "-she decided to play hero."

I rolled your eyes, not even able to muster the energy to fight with him. Sara let go of my hand and quietly sat for the rest of the ride like everyone else did.

I followed last into the building, already seeing the 'I told you not to' look on my sister's face. "Did you not even try to stop her?" Oliver snapped at Felicity while he slammed his bow into its holder.

"No, I did." She defended. "How? Did you hold the door open for her, or something?" He remarked.

Felicity got even more defensive, "Hey! This isn't either of ours fault! If you would have just-"

"Enough!" Diggle demanded, catching everyone's attention. "Let's just all be happy that none of us are taken or hurt... Oliver, you need to go to the other room right now and calm down... Go."

Oliver reluctantly listened to Diggle, escaping to the neighboring room. "Just give him a minute. I hope you know it's not you, Y/N; he has been like this for a while now because of Slade... He's in his head." Diggle assured, rubbing the side of my shoulder for support. I simply nodded in return.

'Oliver needs to get it together.'

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