Chapter 32

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I woke up to the golden rays shining through the windows and onto my face. It's funny... the sun always seems to be a warmer and inviting color in Central City... everything in Starling is just... colder.

I could smell Barry making something in the kitchen, so I decided to peak my head over the back of the sofa. Barry was wearing a S.T.A.R. Labs tee and sweatpants while cooking; he saw me when he turned around and instantly smiled, "Hey! Are you hungry?"

My smile spread wide against the sofa, but I was sure he could see it in my eyes. "Extremely." I responded.

Barry brought a plate over to me, "I would have offered to take you somewhere, but something tells me that you need a good heart-to-heart."

He sat on the other end of the same sofa, facing me with how he tilted his body. "You must hate me..."

"Hate you? No... It does make a lot more sense why it was so easy for you to kill Lassiter, though..." Barry replied.

The memory didn't sit well in my stomach; it reminded me of how I lost it the first chance Harrison Wells gave me. "It's never easy, Barry. Besides, I've found a new way now."

Barry lifted an eyebrow from the coffee mug he was sipping on, which begged for me to continue. "Ever since I joined Team Arrow I've been trying to learn that you don't always have to kill. Sure it's the quickest way to results, but the right path sometimes takes longer." I took another bite of my pancake and randomly add, "These are delicious, by the way."

"Thank you! And I'm glad you're finding another way to be someone else, or something else." He chuckled, mimicking Oliver. I half smiled to myself hearing his name. 'I wonder how he's doing right now...'

"Speaking of another way... I have something for you." Barry said before speeding out of the room in a fit of lightning. He returned in a flash holding a small needle syringe, "I am proud to present to you the 100% tested and proven to work Mirakuru cure."

My mouth dropped open, "Are you serious?" I took the cure in my hands. "Barry, thank you so much. This is amazing."

He smiled warmly at me, then returned to his seat to continue eating. The two of us silently ate until I finished and Barry broke the silence, "You're just like him, do you see that?"

I furrowed my brows at him curiously, "What?" Barry put mine and his plate on the coffee table before explaining, "Oliver. I've gotten the privilege of watching both of you grow into better people. I'm sure you don't want to hear it as much as he doesn't, but you are a hero, Y/N."

I chuckled, "I am not a hero."

"See? Just like him."

I frowned, then got up from my seat and started putting on my layers of clothes one by one, since it's all I had.

"Y/N," Barry began when I finished getting ready. He held the sides of my arms gently so I looked at him, "If you ever decide that he's not the guy for you, you will always have a perfectly good date waiting here in Central City for you."

I offered him a half smile in return. "It's no secret you care about him, Y/N... I see the way you act when I say his name or even mention him."

I looked down to my boots. Is it really so obvious?

"He cares about you too, Y/N... He told me that night he got you out of the pipeline. Honestly, I think those feelings weren't exactly new at the time." Barry paused, then took his hand off my arm to tilt my chin back up at him, "If you want some advice- talk to him... No more secrets about the League; no more secrets about how you feel."

I nodded slightly. I mean, how could I argue? He was absolutely right. "I'm scared.." I admitted.

Barry shrugged, "Why?"

I thought it over in my head. 'What do you mean why? Because... well, I guess I don't know why..."

"Thank you, Barry... Do you mind dropping me off at Verdant? I don't think my swords or bow will pass security."

"Absolutely... I hope you know you always have a friend you can count on, too." He said with a wide smile. I was able to give him a genuine smile in response to it, "I know."

Barry super-sped me back to Starling City and dropped me off right in front of the ally entrance. As fast as I got there, Barry was gone. I placed my hand on the handle with an uncomfortable lump forming in my throat from anxiety.

'Here we go...'

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