Chapter 9

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"Y/N?" A soft voice reached out through my sniffles. I looked up through a film of tears that tainted my vision. Through teary eyes, I saw the blue-eyed speedster standing over me. His eyes were bright and pure, unlike the dark blue ones I was used to from Oliver.

It seemed fitting that Barry had a lighter sparkle in his eyes. "Barry, I am so sorry." I sniffed. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. It must have been awkward seeing me crying on the floor in an empty hall. "No, don't you apologize for anything."

Barry sat beside me, "Want to talk about it?" He asked. I simply shook my head no then allowed it to go back to resting on my knees.

Barry zoomed away, but then came back in an instant with eight boxes of pizza.

Truth be told, seeing him with eight boxes for two people made me chuckle only slightly.

Ew, what was that?

My chuckle had become so foreign to me that I didn't even recognize it came from my body. It was true what they say- Starling City is a much darker place on a good day than Central City ever could be.

"Pizza always makes me feel better, I was hoping it could help you, too. I got every kind they had ready."

I offered a smile before I opened one of the boxes, "Why do I get the feeling you could eat all of these slices in the time I could eat one?"

Barry settled down beside me and picked up one slice, "Well, I guess that depends on how big of a head start I give you."


For a minute or so, the two of us just eat our slices in silence until Barry interrupted, "I know you said you don't want to talk about it, but if you decide you do, you don't have to ask- just tell me, okay?"

I nodded with a smile, then put down the crust to my second slice, "I am overly stuffed; what are we supposed to do with the rest of the piz-"

Before I could finish the rest of the sentence, Barry ate the rest.


I blinked a few times, "Welp... I guess that answers my question!"

"Come on!" Barry cheered. He stood up and offered a hand to me. I took it happily and let him lift me up. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"I heard you haven't had the best coffee in the country."

With that, Barry took me to C.C. Jitters, the local coffee shop, booming with life at that time of the day. Barry pulled out a chair stool for me to sit in, then took his place across from me at the table. "I personally recommend The Flash." Barry joked after he was forced to patiently watch me browse the menu. "Oh is that so?" I chirped in response. "I do prefer my coffee to be black, though. Nothing too fancy." I admitted.

"Sounds like everyone in Starling City would rather have their coffee black... Are you guys okay?" Barry smiled wide, not looking for an answer to his question.

Neither did he get an answer.

"I'll try this 'Flash' drink, then." I announced when I saw the waitress approach our table. "We... might have to work on your manners." Barry whispered after he leaned across the table so no one else heard.

Oh... right. Central City is obsessed with going out of your way to be a kiss-ass.

He sat back in his seat again, "This is Iris, she is.. we just call her my sister. Her father raised me."

I offered Iris a small smile, of which she returned seven times fold, "So nice to meet you, Barry's friend!" Iris sand. Her words lingered slightly in a teasing tone because, by the looks of it, Barry had a date.

Wait, was this a date?

I didn't want a date.

"Oh, and this is Y/N." Barry concluded.

"Can I uh, can I have a Flash drink?" I cautiously asked, looking to Barry for approval before adding a hesitant, "please?"

"Great choice! And one usual for Barry." Iris scribbled on her notepad then hopped off to fetch the drinks.

"So,.. sister?" I asked; I tilted my head thinking about the odd way she was introduced to me. She didn't seem like a sister, she seemed like he wanted her to be something a little more close than family. The way he lingered on her words when she spoke was the first sign. Who could blame him? She is gorgeous...

I heard Barry sigh, "When I was eleven, my mother was murdered..."

Well shit! That was quite the bomb drop!

"They never caught the man who did it, but they think they did. My dad is in prison for her murder," He paused and looked me in the eyes, "He didn't do it, Y/N... But since they didn't believe me, I was sent to live with Iris and her father, Joe- a detective here in Central City. In fact, he's the one who sent my-"

His voice trailed off as Iris brought the drinks over to us; she leaned her beautifully browned arms on the table, "So, Y/N, where are you from?"

"Starling City." I respond flatly, reaching for my mug. "Oh, wow. I love Starling City. The nightlife, The Arrow, and ugh, Oliver Queen!"

I choked on my coffee a little, not expecting to have to hear his name- both of his names- so soon. Barry took note of how uncomfortable it seemed to have made me and covered for me, "She, uh, Y/N is a bartender. Remember my friend, Felicity? This is her sister. She used to work at S.T.A.R. Labs before the... incident."

Iris' smile was warm and comforting, "Well, welcome back Miss Smoak, I trust Barry is showing you all the sights of Central City."

"Mmhmn.." I purred through pressed lips.

I immediately scolded myself in my private thoughts, 'Shit. No, now you sound like Oli! Stop that!'

"I will leave you two alone to your coffee and each other's company, but I think you should absolutely come back tonight for trivia night! Me and Eddie will be there." She placed a flyer in front of me with the information on it then walked away to take care of other orders.

"I am soooo sorry about her, after I woke up from my coma, she freaks out if I'm within three feet of a girl." Barry explained, clearly embarrassed.

"You're embarrassed." I commented, "It's cute."

That last part accidentally slipped out of my mouth and now I was the embarrassed one.

I bury my face behind my mug, avoiding eye contact.

'This is nice.' I thought

'My butterflies, for once, feel like I don't have to explain to anyone nor myself why I'm having them. I don't have to feel guilty for the way I feel.'

I decided to change the subject, "Trivia night, huh?" I held the flyer sturdy in my hands.

"Yeah, we don't have to..."

Barry then started tripping over his words, "... Unless of course you want to... I mean,... I want to.... if you want to..... Trivia night, I mean."

I laughed audibly, then forced my hand to cover over my mouth to cease the noise. Barry took notice of how quickly I did so, "Are you okay, Y/N? Like, I know you're okay in this very moment.. Like, you're having fun. But are you okay?"

'Am I okay?'

"I will be."

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