Chapter 16

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The song in the media is what Owa will sing to her cousin before she sleeps.

We walk through the town for a bit before stopping at a house decked out in black. Ethan turns to us.

"We're here, guys. This house belongs to me, my wife, and my two children, Reese and Belle. Later on we'll go to my parents house."

Jeff and Kiba turn to each other, Jeff using a disguise to look like he did before the accident, and Kiba wearing a hat with a red ring and bow on the side to cover her ears, and a purple skirt and blue shirt along with the rose necklace to cover her tail.

We enter the house making me feel instantly out of place. There was a woman with brown hair and blue eyes holding a two year old girl with black hair and blue eyes. There was also a girl the age of five with black hair and hazel eyes sitting on the floor playing with her dolls.

"Violet I'm back. I brought her with me as well as two unexpected guests." Ethan then turns to me. "Owa this is my wife Violet and the girl on her lap is Reese, while Belle is the one playing with the dolls."

I turn to look at my aunt. "Nice to meet you. I'm One Winged Angel, or Owa for short and this is my adopted brother Jeff, and my cousin Kiba." Belle walks over to us and holds up her doll for me to take.

"This is Kendall. Do you want to play with me?" I shake my head politely, but Kiba agrees. She takes Kendall and thanks Belle for allowing her to play. I walk over to Ethan and sit down at the table next to Jeff and Ethan. Reese starts to cry and Violet stands up from the table.

"Ethan would you mind putting Reese down for a nap while I make her a bottle?" Ethan shakes his head.

"Not at all, but I think Owa should do it because you know Reese will only fall asleep if she has a lullaby first. I don't know about you but I don't sing."

"I don't know Ethan, I don't really sing unless it's to Kiba or Jeff. I guess I could sing to her since she is my actual relative. Jeff is adopted as well as Kiba."

I take hold of Reese and starts to sing.

Shine from within*
And cast all of your fears aside*
You'll see the light*
But until that day comes*

You're giving me too many things lately
You're all I need
You smiled at me and said
Don't get me wrong (I love you)
But does that mean I have to walk on water?

When we are older you will understand
What I meant when I said no
I don't think life is quite that simple

One day you will realize*
The stars you are chasing*
Shine bright deep inside you*
But will you ever let it shine from within?*
And cast all of your fears aside*
You'll see the light*
But until that day comes*

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings the future doesn't scare me at all
And until that day comes*

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later
Regardless of warnings
The future doesn't scare me at all (ahh)

Nothing's like before
When we are older

And you and I*
My heart's a battlefield
My heart's a battlefield
My heart's a battlefield

Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings
The future doesn't scare me at all

Ohh nothing lies before*

I finish and look down at my sleeping cousin. "Wow Owa, I didn't know you could sing that well. You sing like your mother did. We should get going guys. You still have to meet my parents."

I nod and set Reese down before looking at Violet and giving her a loose hug. "It was nice to meet you but we must be going. Ethan is introducing me to my mom's side of the family since I never met them. It was nice to meet you."

I let go of her and nodded over at Ethan who walked out the door with me, Kiba, and Jeff following. I got in shotgun and awaited me meeting the grandparents I never met.


Ok guys I don't know when I'll be able to update next. I am pn Christmas vaca, but I'm going theough some emotional problems with my friend and her mom. So I'll try to update but I'm not promising anything.

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