Chapter 19

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I'm running through the woods when I hear twigs snapping behind me. I turn around even though I know I shouldn't, but hey I'm half Slender I should be able to handle it. Standing before me is a giant ass black shadow thing. That last thing I see is a small amout of light before I'm enveloped in darkness.

I wake up with a cold sweat. I look at the time on my phone to see that it's two'o'clock AM. I hear footsteps downstairs and instantly recognize them as Ethan's. I sneakily go downstairs see Ethan in the kitchen, opening the fridge, and start to make a late night snack.

"Ethan...... I had a nightmare." Lethan turns to look at me.

"What was it about?" I told him about my nightmare and how I saw the sliver of light before I woke up. "Wow that doesn't sound like a normal nightmare. Do you want me to simg you a lullaby? I have just the one. Sofia used to sing it to me when mom wasn't there. Otherwise mom sang it to me when I had nightmares."

I nodded feeling her like a children who wanted her uncle's to sing to her. Let's go upstairs then."

I got into bed just as Ethan appeared and sat down on the bed beside her. The he started to sing.

"Silver light, she turned her face up to the starlit sky. And on this night began to wonder why, she knew that soon the day would come.

Born to be, and heir of beauty and serenity. Into this world she entered quietly, to her surprise she was the one.

Destiny, was close behind her. Phantom of borrowed life. And the sea, was a reminder. Mirror of given light.

Then one day, the sign she waited for in skies of grey. Traversed a winding road and came her way. She found the love she'd hoped she would.

But she knew, that she had promises to keep true to. The dormant daughter of the silver moon. And all at once she understood.

Destiny, was close behind her. Phantom of borrowed life. And the sea, was a reminder. Mirror of given light.

From the sky, she watched the life she known she'd leave behind. Said goodbye, and gave her people life through, her sacrifice."

By the time he had finished the song I was already asleep and in my own little comatose sleep realm.


Ok guys not sure how many more chapters I'll be able to do right now because I went to my mom's house and got sick. I'll try my best though, for you guys. Sorry it's kind of short.

Animegan out!

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