Chapter 22

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When we got inside the house I was instantly grabbed by Jeff who was hugging me like an anoconda. "Owa I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to tell her our biggest secrets. It was a rush of the moment. I was all upset because she was talking about my parents and Liu and it caused me to have a bloodlust, except it wasn't exactly like a bloodlust. Instead of craving blood I was craving to tell people our deepest and darkest secrets that we don't want anybody to find out. I'm so sorry go ahead and tell Slendy to take away my immortality. After what I did I don't deserve it."

I stand there higfing him back as I listen to what he's saying. "Jeff just because you said something like that doesn't mean you have to loose your imortality. It just means you have two different kinds of lusts you have to take care of. I'll help in any way I can because that's what big sisters are for. I'm sure Liu wouldn't mind helping you out either."

Jeff smiles. "Speaking of Liu I have something important to tell you. He likes you. By like I mean like like as in having a crush on you."

I listen carefully to what Jeff has to say until it got to the part where Liu has a crush on me. I feel as if the world around me is spinning and I fall onto the floor. "Wait a minute, Liu, your brother, likes me?" Jeff nods eagrily.

"Yup. He never told me, but I could see it on his face. The love sick puppy dog eyes he makes when he sees you or your name is mentioned. The kiss he gave you when he first came to the Pasta House. Him listening to romantic music in his room when you aren't around. It's completely obvious ge's fallen hard for you."

I look at him curiously. "How did you know about that kiss he gave me? Were you spying on me, Jeffery?"

He frowns. "Ok one it's Jeff not Jeffery. Two I'm too fucking fabulous for you to call me Jeffery. Three Liu told me about it the following morning when you went on your walk."

I look at him with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry for thinking you were spying on us Jeff. I didn't think that Liu would tell you something like that."

"He smiles even more than his usual cut in smile. "That's ok Owa. At least you didn't think I was spying on you because I was jealous of him. If you did then I would really have to trouble to deal with."

Ethan butts in before I could respond. "Guys I know you're in the middle of sibling bonding and all, but can we continue this discussion later. It's getting late and I still need to drop you guys off at home."

I quickly look at my phone to see that it's almost noon. "Oh my Zalgo. It's almost noon. Slendy must be scared to death that Kiba was kidnapped because she's not back yet. We need to get going, now."

I quickly hig bye to my grandparents and drag Ethan, Kiba, and Jeff out to the car.


Ok all done for one night. I finished two chapters and it turns out a actually have a really bad fever, not a cold. I'm going to get a shower, take some drugs- I mean meds and go to sleep. (I'm not really foing to take drugs that just what my sisters and I say when we have to take medicine or vitamins, that we have to take drugs)

Animegan out!

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