Chapter 33

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I hold onto Link's back as he steers his horse through the field when we spot BEN looking at himself in a beautiful lake. Link stops his horse and tells me that we are just going to sit and watch what he does for a little bit. We sit and watch one of my closest friends stare at himself in the lake for about ten minutes before he gets up and starts running again, this time towards a volcano off in the distance, almost near Castle Town.

I go to follow him but Link holds me back. "Link we can't just stand here, BEN is going towards a volcano that looks very active and could erupt any minute and we stand here watching him. How did you ever save this world and become a hero at the age of ten?"

Link sighs and shakes his head. "Long story I don't have time to explain. BEN isn't going to the volcano, he is going to Kakariko Village. The volcano has not after up at all since I was saving I Hyrule. It is quite peaceful and very quiet." I now I'm understanding and see the person who protected BEN earlier approach us.

"Hey Link you forgot to bring me. Did BEN head over to Kokiri already or is he heading towards Kakariko?" I look from Link to the other boy.

"Not to interrupt or anything but what exactly is a Kokiri and Kakariko?" Link just laughs it off and tries to explain.

"Well a Kokiri is a race in Hyrule. They are children who live in the forest with the Great Deku Tree who can never grow old so long as the Great Deku Tree lives. When I was younger I lived with the Kokiri but the Great Deku Tree told me of my destiny to save Hyrule and how my mother had given her life for mine when I was a baby. Now Kakariko on the other hand is a village at the base of the volcano. It's one of the oldest villages in Hyrule and is the last known Sheikah village to survive the Sheikah war."

The other person, Kid as I recall, nods. "There are other races too such as the Zora who live in the water and the Godin who live on Death Mountain."

I seem to recall the races that BEN would tell me about when we, well when I, was younger. We would sit and talk with each other for hours about endless topics including powers, clothes, and friends. Those were the times when my dad at least tried to pay attention to me and wasn't worried about settling down with some random chick off the streets.

We stand there for a couple more minutes when BEN appears coming from the village and approaches us. "Sorry for running away guys but you know how much MS pisses me off. I just had to get away for a little bit. Anyways we should get going Owa. Link you said that Zelda has already forgiven me correct?" Said Hylian nods. "Well then we don't want to have your husband waiting for you do we Owa?" I shake my head and walk up to Link and Kid.

"It was nice seeing you again Link and nice meeting you Kid but sadly we have to leave."

Link nods in understanding, his blue orbs slowly showing clear drops of years escaping. "I understand Owa. You don't want to leave lover not waiting. I'll try to come visit soon. Perhaps I might be able to bring Zelda along as well."

I nod happiness overflowing. "I would appreciate that very much Link. We have to get going now see you soon."

BEN takes his hand in mine and teleports us back to the real world. Liu runs over to me and hugs me very tightly. "I've missed you. It's only been a couple hours but those couple hours have been torturous."

I spot BEN and Jeff making gagging expressions from the corner of my eye. "I've missed you too dear but if my memory serves me correct, which it always does since I have a perfect memory, we were going to talk to Jeff when I had gotten back." Liu nods eagerly and looks to Jeff who runs out of the room.

Okay this is very overdue I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. I've been very busy and the fact I have to wake up at 5 AM now to get ready for school then come home so chores and then get ready for bed without leaving me time to chill is not making it any better. Anyways I'm glad I finally got this chapter done and over with and now I can finally start other stuff since this is off of my guilty conscience list. For my Hetalian readers I am starting a Hetalia fanfiction called Do you not love me? It's a fanfiction about Sealand so sorry if you aren't a fan of Sea-kun. Anyways sorry again for not updating in so long and now I have to go finish writing the first chaoter for that so yeah.

Animegan out!!!!!!!!!

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