Chapter 29

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We get to an abandoned park area and Liu starts leading me somewhere. I don't really question it seeing as we go to abandoned places all the time for dates seeing as Liu is basically famous with those stitches of his.

We go into a building only to have it end up not being abandoned at all. Turns out it was a really fancy restaurant. Liu smiles at me. Don't worry I masked our faces with magic so they don't notice us."

We walk over to the podium where a cheerful girl was standing. "We have a reservation. Woods for two."

The girls nods and leads us to a table in the very back. "My name's Carolyn and I'll be your waitress this evening. Might I get you two some drinks? Coke products, tea, alcohol?" She smiles as Liu orders a sweet tea and I order a coke. She comes back a couple minutes later with both of our drinks. "And what might I get the both of you to eat?"

I order a steak and Liu orders a burger, real classy. Definitely classier than chicken fingers though. The waitress walks away to go put our orders in. I look at Liu who has a nervous look on his face. "Liu I can sense the fear in your soul. Stop being nervous and tell me what's going on."

Liu sighs. "Slender wanted me to visit a fortune teller for some reason and so I went. The fortune teller told me that if I didn't do something that is required to get married within the next week, F.E.A.R. would come and take you away. So this is why I'm doing this." He gets down on one knee and I start to tear up. "One Winged Angel would you, the love of my life, my savior, my fallen angel, become my wife." I was too speechless to respond normally as he holds out a box with a ring that is a silver band and has a blue sapphire and engraved on the inside is 'stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone.' I nod and kiss him just as the waitress comes in with our dinners.

"Well Liu I'm guessing she said yes." He turns to look at her and nods. "I'll be going then. The dinners are on the house as promised. I'll talk to you later Liu tell your brother I say hello."

He nods. "Sure thing Carolyn. Jeff misses you a lot. He's changed though and I'm not sure if it's for the good or not, but considering he's my brother I'll stick with him until he changes back. I hope it'll be soon I miss the old Jeff."

I smile. "I didn't know Jeff before I met him in the woods that day. That was a little bit after he did you know what and he was really upset going on and on about how he wanted you to comfort him. Me being me I just took him home with me. I can't stand to see children upset."

Liu stops me there and kisses my cheek. "That's why you'll be such a great mother." I blush bright red and Carolyn laughs.

"Okay well I really need to get going. John will be worried if I don't get back home soon. I was supposed to be off an hour ago but did this for you so Liu you owe me one." Liu laughs as she walks away leaving us to our dinners and to celebrate our engagement.


OMG I am so sorry for not updating sooner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't think of anything and then I got all these ideas for other stories I'm working on, but I finally got the ideas for this story pumping again. For those who don't know F.E.A.R is an acronym standing for For Every and All Religions. It's a Black Veil Brides reference. If you don't listen to them I suggest you start because I am going to use a lot of BVB references in this book so you might want to study up on your BVBology. Anyways good news I am finished with school on Friday which means I will officially be a freshman starting June 6. That means more time for writing, in all my stories, but mostly this one because I want to finish this one and start the sequel. Anyways I'll do my best to get the next chapter up this week hopefully. Love you guys-

Animegan Out!!!!!!!!!

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