Chapter 28

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It's been three years since that day when I found out about Kiba's secret. I am now nineteen and Kiba is now nine. She still goes to visit Shadow everyday. Liu and I are still dating and Jeff's very excited about something. Everytime the conversation is about Liu Jeff will get very jumpy and excited for some reason.

I am brought out of my thoughts when I hear the door to my room open. I look up to see Liu standing in my doorway with his swooshy brown hair just laying softly a top his head and his electrifying green eyes landing on me as if they can peer into my soul.

"Yes Liu? What's up?" Liu starts to shake and I can tell what he's about to say is important and he's nervous to say it.

"You, me, date, tonight at 9." I look at him profound. He is never demanding like this. He's usually sweet and uses some movie reference to ask me out on a date.

"Sure thing. But why are you being so blunt about it? You could've just done your usual and use some cheesy movie reference to ask me out on a date."

Liu looked at me weirdly. "I just thought I'd try something different this time, that's all." He walks out of my room and the next one to enter is Ben.

"Hey Owa I just wanted to tell you that Ethan's here. Said something about taking you out for a bit since he hasn't seen you in a couple months due to work."

I stare at him for a second before smiling. "OK thank you Ben. Can I trust you to tell Liu that I'm going out for the afternoon with Ethan?" He nods. "Thank you Ben you're the best!"

I walk down the stairs in a T-shirt and a pair of jean shorts that go down to my knees. I look over at my uncle and smile. There along with him is his wife and two daughters. I hug my aunt and tightly hug my cousins who aren't that much younger than Kiba.

"Hello Aunt Violet. Reese,Belle. How have you guys been? It feels like forever since I've last seen you guys." Belle, my eight year old cousin ran over and wrapped her tiny arms around my waist.

"Owa! Why haven't you come to visit us?"

"Sorry Belle I wish I could've,but it's a little dangerous right now. What brings you guys to the woods? Not that I don't want you here, it's just the woods haven't been the safest for a while."

Ethan responded immediately. "To see you of course. It's your birthday soon and we thought we could spend some time with you beforehand. We would spend your actual birthday with you, but Violet's boss gave Violet a week off and we're going on vacation. I hope you don't mind. Thought we'd take you out to get you a present or three since we've never spent your birthday with you."

I smile and shake my head. "Of course not. Let's go. I have to be back before nine though. Liu's taking me out on a date. I don't really mind." I open up the door and allow them to exit and get in the car. I get in the back seat with Reese and Belle as we pull out and start driving towards town.

On the way Reese fell asleep on my shoulder and Belle kept asking me questions like how Jeff is,if Liu and I were going to get married, and if Saßha had my dad's kid yet. After having Belle ask me a couple more questions and Reese waking up once or twice we arrived at what my uncle called the mall.

I unbuckly myself and Reese then hold her in my arms while she is still asleep. Aunt Violet offered to hold her but I refused saying I would like to hold her since I've only seen her a handful of times.

We walk in and start looking for something I would like. After a while we left the store we were in and went to another store called Rue 21. We walk in and start looking at clothes. I was about to tell Ethan that I didn't find anything I heard a beautiful sound coming from another store. I step outside and listen to where the sound is coming from. Ethan and the others come outside seeing as I didn't find anything. I walk in the direction the sound was coming from to hear the beautiful lyrics.

Two single hearts on fire
currently on the wire
as inhibitions fade
a focused moment made
bruises and bitemarks say
takes one to bring the pain
passion lies in screams of estacitic dreams

you're in a place for fear
lips are for biting here
lets make this moment worth the while
lets kill the night and go down in style
feel the magic rise
we're plotting our demise
of perspiration and alcohol as i introduce the bedroom brawl

you bring the ropes and chains
I'll bring the pills and games
I can show you pain
and make you say my name
you will believe my lies
that im not like other guys
that sparkle in my eyes
is part of my disguise

you're in a place for fear
lips are for biting here
lets make this moment worth the while
lets kill the night and go down in style
feel the magic rise
we're plotting our demise
of perspiration and alcohol as i introduce the bedroom brawl

you're in a place for fear
lips are for biting here
lets make this moment worth the while
lets kill the night and go down in style
feel the magic rise
we're plotting our demise
of perspiration and alcohol as i introduce the bedroom brawl (x2)

I softly hum the toon and Ethan notices. "Do you want us to buy you a laptop for you to listen to music? We could get you a phone as well."

I slowly nod feeling like a spoiled little brat getting expensive things for my birthday. I guess I don't really have to, my father never got me presents and he didn't allow my uncles to get me presents either.

We go into the store and buy a green laptop with some weird symbol on it. I notice in the middle is the thing that BEN calls a Triforce, whatever that is with a charger and bag. Next we go to a different store and buy a phone that's black and a green phone case with some symbol on it in the form of a star and a charger. (It's a wayfinder from Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep.) We have an assistant help set us up on my uncles plan so I have it. Once we pay for that we exit and leave the whole building to get me back home.

We get back and I see that it is 7:30. I quickly say goodnight to them and get a shower. I get out and go into my room to see an outfit picked out on my bed. Liu must have gotten it out for me. I out the close on and see it's only 8:10. I quickly put on some eyeliner, mascara, and a little lipstick before laying down on my bed and starting up my new laptop.

I start it up, make myself a profile, and change the background to a random picture of a hillside, that is till I get some pictures to use as backgrounds. I go to download music, preferably the song I heard in the store, and realize I don't know the name of the song. I go onto Google and type in the lyrics I most remember from the song. I'm not like other guys that sparkle in my eyes is part of my disguise.

The song Bruises and Bitemarks by Good with Grenades came up and I listened to it to make sure it was the correct song. I downloaded it and started listening to it when Liu knocked on my door and entered.

"Hey you ready to go? Or are we just going to sit here all night and not do what I had planned?"


Sorry it took me forever to update. I had musical to worry about. Now that's over I'm both sad and glad. Now I don't have to hear Jace Armentrout sing Pure Imagination five times a show. Before you ask yes we did Willy Wonka as our show. I got to be a squirrel and it was awesome. Anyways sorry again for not updating for 10 billion years. If you want to see a clip of our show, go to my friends instagram page, ccblose_foreva, and it'll be a video with a bunch of people in a room with yellow walls. You should be able to tell which one is me, if not I'm the one on the far right wearing the blue Zelda shirt and at the end I'm chewing my gum obnoxiously. No that is not our real singing we were singing along with the recording.

Animegan Out!

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