Chapter 17

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We stopped at an adorable yellow house with a matching garage, red shed, a sandmound, and a tin shed with a couple bikes inside. It's also across the road from a baseball field where a team was practicing and next to that was a graveyard.

"Welcome to my parents house guys they should be delighted to meet all of you." Ethan says as we all get out of the car. We walk up the wooden stairs and waited while Ethan knocks on the door. A woman with graying hair and hazel eyes answers the door and instantly hugs me and Ethan. "Oh Ethan I'm so glad you could come. This beatiful young lady must be One Winged Angel."

She lets go of us and looks at Kiba and Jeff. "And who are these two cuties."

Kiba hides behind my legs and Jeff holds my hand.

"Mom this is Jeff and Kiba. Jeff is Owa's adopted brother and Kiba is her adopted cousin. They wanted to come as well."

My grandma moves out of the way and allows us all to come inside. The first thing I see is the door to the basement. I turn left and see my grandpa sitting at the table reading the newspaper.

"Hello dad. How are you today?" Ethan asks as he sits next to him. Kiba and Jeff instantly go to the living room and look at all the pictures of my mom's family.

"I'm doing perfectly fine, Ethan. This is Owa right? And who are the two youngins that are in the living room? They aren't her kids are they?"

"No. The boy is her afopted brother Jeff and the girl is her adopted cousin Kiba." Kiba runs over and starts pulling on my hand as my grandma is rambling on about how much I look like my mother.

"Owa you have got to come see the pictures in the living room. You look exactly like your mom." Kiba dragged me to the living room and pointed to pictures of Ethan and his family.

I noticed Ethan first and then grandma and grandpa. I took notice of my mom next. To say I looked like her was an understatement, we looked like twins, except for the height differnce, we looked exactly alike.

"I see you discovered the pictures. Sofia was such a down to Earth girl. She didn't deserve to die. Do you know how she died Owa?"

I hesitantly nod. "My father killed her after I was born. I have a photographic memory and remeber seeing her scared face before her body went limp on the ground. My dad took me home after that and I've lived with him ever since until our house burnt down he went to go live with his brothers and I decided to live with my somewhat cousin type people because I didn't want to live with my father any longer."

Grandma looked scarred. "You can stay with us if you want, Owa. It sounds like your father was horrible to you."

I look down. "He wasn't horrible to me. It was more like he brought in a random chick every night and had sex with her, then dumped her sorry butt on the street when he was finished with her. I feel as if he was being more horribly to mom more than me."

(We all know he didn't dump the stupid bitches on the streets, but she didn't want her grandparents to know she comes from a family of killer's)

Grandma hugged me and held me tight. "It's ok Owa. If you want you can stay here and away from the harm of your dad."

I looked down at Jeff and Kiba and smiled. "I can't. I have to take care of Jeff and I have to help Kiba prepare for a destiny she's not ready for yet. I would stay with you guys, but I have all of this on my plate."

Kiba looks up at me. "You don't have to help me with my destiny, Owa. I have daddy, Uncle Splendor, Uncle Trender, and Uncle Offender to help me. If you want to stay here you can."

Jeff looks up at me as well. "Yeah Owa, you don't have to take care of me either. I have Liu for a reason I guess. If you'd be happy here I'd be happy too."

I hugged both of them. "I appreciate you guys saying that but really, I would be depressed if I couldn't see you guys all the time. I wouldn't know what to do without you guys. Thanks for being awesome adopted relatives."

They both wrapped their tiny arms around me. "I love you Owa." They said im unison.

"I love you too."


Ok so it was a little sappy, but hey what's holidays without sappy moments. I'm glad I could write this even with my emotional probs at the moment. I'll try and update a couple chapters tommorrow but I'll be at my house half the day where I have wifi and my mom's the other half where she doesn't have wifi so I'll have to use her computer.

Anyways I was at my great aunt's house today to visit her fpr the holidays and discovered that I was my grandma's favorite grandchild. She told my great aunt in her last year of living that she wanted to have me full time and that she called me hey pay baby because the day I was born was the day she got her social security money.

Animegan out!

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