Tuesday, August 9th, 2005

3 1 0

The next fight started not even an hour into the first class subject. The hallways were noisy and many of them chanted your name like you were the little golden god in my earliest memory.

There were three boys around you, speaking loudly about how disgusting you were and then there were flashes of fists and legs. Drops of blood on the white floor. Somebody else screaming for the crowd to disperse. And me, I was standing in the front right after I'd heard the yelling, wondering why I was just watching instead of telling you to stop. Because stop this, Sam, stop before it's too late. Stop destroying yourself. Stop thinking you deserved it.

But I couldn't. I stood there unmoving even as the crowd moved away and a teacher came chewing you out. You looked around and your eyes found mine. You held me where I stood and you might not know this, Sam, but I would always entranced by you.

"Samson Brown!" the teacher yelled. "Now you listen to me, kid, pulling one more stunt like this—"

I didn't hear the rest because I walked away.

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