Saturday, September 10th, 2005

3 1 0

At first everything was okay.

You started going into classes again because I insisted you to. There was a small argument in my kitchen later on and I could see the fight had left you hollow. You still touched your violin like it was the pieces of your shattered heart. You still went into the therapy. But you didn't want to go to classes. I could see it in your eyes.


"I just think it's useless, Roo," you sighed. Exasperation colored your tone. "I mean, I can't concentrate, you know? And what's the point? All I ever wanted was to play violin."

I should have seen it then. The first sign. But I didn't. "But, Sam, you'll still need to graduate."

"Why? It's not like I need it."

"Maybe not you, but I do." I touched your hand with mine on top of the kitchen table. You had been warm, unlike how cold you were in that sterile hospital room months ago. Deathly pale with your eyes closed. They'd stitched back your mouth then. You looked as if you were sleeping. "Sam, don't you want to go to the same university as I do?"

I could tell my words had thrown you, though I didn't fully understand why. I always used to assume that we'd go together no matter what we did. I assumed that university was in the cards. "You know I want to be with you, Roo."

"Then you'll need to graduate so we can go together. All right?"

I watched as you thawed. That was something I knew. I knew you'd listen to me because you always did and maybe it made me a bit arrogant because I always thought you would do what I asked. I was special to you. I knew I was, because you were special to me too. So, it didn't surprise me when you finally relented, "Okay."


"Yeah. I'll try."

And I grinned until you smiled at me back.

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