Friday, October 26th, 2007

2 0 0

Six months after your funeral.

Just around two months ago when Penny opened her envelope with trembling hands. I remember my throat being so dry as I waited for her to just read it already but she was so scared of the result. I hissed at her to be quicker, then she hissed at me back calling me an impatient poop. Can you believe that, Sam? Impatient poop? I mean, really?

She read it.

I asked, “How is it?”

Penny glanced at me.


“I'm accepted!” she shouted breathlessly.

“PENNY!” I shouted back.

She jumped into my arms. I laughed along with her, giddy with her excitement, filling the cafeteria with our booming laughter. Some of Penny’s friends were hollering congratulations, some looking at us curiously. “Thank you, Roo.”

With a smile tugging at my lips, I told her, “No. Thank you. And congratulations.”

Penny sniffed. Her eyes were suspiciously shiny. She punched me at my shoulder. “Now we're going to go to the same university. Good luck getting rid of me, bro.”

At which point Jay came into the room, finding us laughing like a fool. He scowled. “Okay, who gave you guys the shrooms?”

It was quite possibly the best day I've had in awhile.

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