Friday, September 7th, 2007

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I was dreaming of the days we would play on those swing sets as the hours pass. You told me all about your music, about your hopes, about the games you played, about the kids at school, about your parents, about the things you liked, about what you disliked of me, about what you loved of me, about how you loved me.

I closed my eyes, feeling the breeze caress my cheeks. I wanted to stay there. “It's so peaceful here,” I told you.

I glanced at you when you didn't answer. You were already looking at me.

“What is it?”

Your smile, Sam. It was the most serene expression I had ever seen on you. “I'm always at peace when I'm with you.”

There was a dark void right below your swing set. You looked down at it like you were missing how it felt like to be there. You stared at it like how you looked at your house sometimes and I tried to imagine what you were thinking, but before I could think of anything else, before I could call your name again, you jumped.

I woke up with a violent sob coming out of my chest.

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