Ch. 7 Erin's POV

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Erin's POV
Eric is talking about something, but I notice that he acts as though he likes Four, but Four's posture and stony dark blue eyes beg to differ. I look over at Chase and he smiles. I feel all warm and tingly inside then I smile back.
We all get up and leave the dining hall. We go to the training center where Four explains all of our training. We have to complete 3 stages with high scores so that we aren't cut. Many peoples faces have gone pale. A ghostly white. Some point in the future, our parents will come see us, if they don't resent and hate us. I hope my dad doesn't come. If he does he will cause such a huge scene. Four and Eric show us how to throw knives. Well, Four does. Eric just walks around yelling at people. I throw my knife. It misses. I try again. It hits the outside. Slowly I make it to the middle of the target.

Sorry it's so short!! Thanks for the reads!!!

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