Chapter 15

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Bang Won wasn't Seon Ho's favorite human right now. If looks could kill then Bang Won would have turned into a pool of blood the moment Seon Ho noticed how close Seo Hwi was to Bang Won. The rascal had just come in and Seo Hwi was blushing like a young bride on her first night. And those lapels he had sealed tight were now flapping open with each tumble, twist and throw.

Despite, his hatred Seon Ho had to admit Bang Won was impressive but his Seo Hwi wasn't bad either. Just as Seon Ho was admiring Seo Hwi; Seo Hwi grabbed Bang Won in a rear naked choke hold, pulling Bang Won close to his naked chest, his face plastered against Bang's face but Seon Ho couldn't see the deadly hold on Bang Won's neck by Seo Hwi's arm all he could see how close the two were. Should they be that close while sparring and why are two men so close to each other?

'Hey... stop that,' yelled a referee. Seon Ho watched Seo Hwi relax his hold and instantly, Bang Won flipped Seo Hwi with a loud crash on to the mattress but now it was Bang Won who had the upper hand in the infamous Americana Arm lock, completely submitting Seo Hwi to him. Seon Ho was instantly out of the stands and immediately pulling Bang Won off Seo Hwi as if removing a blood sucking leech off of Seo Hwi's chest. He calmly, pulled the lapels of Seo Hwi's jacket and said, 'we are leaving?'

Seo Hwi could barely stop himself from being dragged away until Bang Won clasped Seo Hwi's other hand. Seo Hwi was literally being pulled apart by two men, this was situation supposed to happen to women in dramas not to men in a dojo. Seo Hwi watched as Seon Ho slowly turn and stare at the hand Bang Won was clinging on to and raise his eyes to Bang Won.

'Take your hands off!' Seo Hwi felt chills on his nape, why was Seon Ho angry?

'I promised to take Seo Hwi for dinner, you are interfering in our plans!' Bang Won wasn't slightly fazed by Seo Hwi. It was the first time Seo Hwi saw them interact, usually they would just nod or greet. The air between them was like static electricity. It hurt to be between them.

'Take...your...fucking...paws OFF,' Seon Ho said the words softly but it was like the words echoed through the dojo and Seo Hwi could feel the vibrations. This situation is all wrong.

'Seon Ho... What's wrong? It's just dinner like always.' Seo Hwi interrupted, he just wanted to go home, take a shower and go hunting for those souls.

'Right, Hwi darling now that Hyung won, let me treat you to some BBQ,' Bang Won brushed Seo Hwi's hair from his forehead being overly intimate and smiling at him, like a lover. Just as Seo Hwi was rolling his eyes noticing how Bang Won is now teasing Seon Ho a bit too much, Seon Ho pulled Seo Hwi harshly towards himself and away from Bang Won's straying hands.

'We have plans,' Seon Ho dragged Seo Hwi away to the stands and grabbing Seo Hwi's back pack on the way.

Moments later they were within the apartment and Seon Ho was slamming the door.

'What's wrong with you?' Seo Hwi threw his back pack on the floor and turned away from Seon Ho. Seo Hwi was kind of used to Seon Ho's moods, his arrogance but today he had crossed a line by doing that to Bang Won Hyung. It's like Seo Hwi's opinions didn't matter. Arguing with him right now is same as talking to a drunk man so it was best to wait for Seon Ho to calm down.

'What's wrong with me?' Seon Ho, grabbed Seo Hwi his shoulder and slammed him to the wall. Seon Ho was panting angrily as he whispered, 'He... did he do something to you?'

'What do you mean?' Seo Hwi's brows creased in confusion.

'Something he shouldn't?'

'Seon Ho, Bang Won is like a hyung, what could he do to me?' Seo Hwi laughed.

'I am asking if he touched you like more than a hyung or a sparring partner...god damnit I am asking if he touched you like he wanted to do fuck you because that is how he looks at you?' Seon Ho's eyes were now burning as they stared at Seo Hwi who instantly blushed at a certain memory that came flooding by Seon Ho's words. A while back Bang Won had kissed him lightly after a sparring session, it was on the lips but next day Bang Won hadn't discussed about it and Seo Hwi was too shocked and shy to bring it up.

'Fuck!' Seon Ho punched the wall still staring at Seo Hwi's beet red face. wasn't a big deal so I shouldn't tell Seon Ho about it. But how did he know, something like that happened? Did he see Bang Won hyung kiss him infront of the mansion?

'CHA SEON HO...Back off now or else I'll give you another concussion.' Seo Hwi looked away from the penetrating gaze, he wasn't obligated to tell him anything.

'Try me, I won't move until you tell me what he did to you.' Seon Ho grabbed Seo Hwi's chin gently, so they would have eye contact.

'Why should I?' Seo Hwi whispered

'Because... because I didn't like it when he touched you today. I don't want anyone to touch you. You are our pure little Hwi,' Seon Ho smiled lovingly at Seo Hwi.

'You are the little Seo Hwi who would run after me then fall and cry to me. You are the Seo Hwi my mother loves more than her own son. You are the Seo Hwi my father treats like a confidant instead of his own son and you are Seo Hwi everyone loves... you our precious.' Seo Hwi didn't know how Seo Ho kept a straight face while saying those words but he could feel his heart skip a beat and his breaths getting shorter and shorter.

'What am I to you? You mentioned everyone but yourself,' Seo Hwi whispered softly, his words could be barely heard. What about you?

'You are my everything, everything I did, do and will do is for you. I will always protect you.'

'Your protection makes me lonely. I know you befriended Nonna to stop her from bullying me but you left me alone, slamming countless doors on my face while you played with her in your room. Did I ask for your protection? You won't be with me and neither will you let me be with others. You probably protected me physically but you have hurt me the most. So, you have no right to ask whether Bang Won hyung did something to me or not. Don't come between me and hyung. He has been by my side more than you, specially when I wanted you.' Seo Hwi shoved Seon Ho angrily, went to the room and changed into his usual black jeans and black T-shirt and within moments it was just Seon Ho in the room staring at a wall.

'That fucking son of a bitch did something to my Seo Hwi, if he laid hands on Seo Hwi, I will kill him. I look away for a moment and there are leeches sucking off of Seo Hwi.' Seon Ho muttered angrily but deep within his heart few words kept echoing your protection makes me lonely.

His heart clenched, he knew Seo Hwi was lonely but he didn't want nonna to lay her evil eyes on Seo Hwi. That girl was a witch reincarnate. She would eat Seo Hwi alive and it was better she mistreated Seon Ho rather than Seo Hwi. Who knew while Seo Hwi was keeping nonna away from Seo Hwi, her cousin Bang Won was latching on to Seo Hwi. Seon Ho knew things about the family that Seo Hwi didn't know. His innocence probably couldn't comprehend how fucked up that family was.

'Now that I know Bang Won has his eyes on Seo Hwi, I'll handle this situation.' Seon Ho's mind drifted to earlier when Bang Won had brushed Seo Hwi's hair and touched him, it would take a dumb idiot to not notice that Bang Won treated Seo Hwi more than a a lover but dynamic in their sparring session didn't show that Bang Won wanted Seo Hwi as a usual lover, he wanted to do things like Nonna did to Seon Ho.

'Like hell, I'll let him do anything else to Seo Hwi. That family has no fucking fear, hitting on underage teenagers, whether women or men!' Seon Ho punched the wall again angrily for the second time that day Seo Hwi had made him want to kill someone.

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