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After both of us finishing our sandwiches, we left the house. The walk to the beach wasn't so long, in the meanwhile both of us were talking about any topic would come in our heads.

It was so easy to talk Steven about anything. We could be just talking about weird theories of how the world would end or how zombies can be created or just about cats.

Once we got close to the ocean, I was glad I took some sandals, I walked more close so when the next waves would come, they would hit my legs. I stayed like that as a few small waves barely hit my legs. The ocean was really calm.

"Is it just me, or is it too much silence here?" Steven joked and chuckled.

"Yeah." I walked next to Steven, sitting down on the sand. I put both my hands on my knees and looked out in the ocean. Nothing could be seen from that distance. Suddenly I saw something there. It wasn't a person or a gem. It was an island.

"Steven" I said as I touched his arm. He turned his attention to me.
"Do you see that? Is that an island?" I said as I tried my best to see more clearly what's there.

"It is." he admitted.

"Really? Have you been there?" I asked.

"Geez, Y/n! I thought I told you this already!" he laughed as he pushed me playfully. "On that island there are living the Watermelon Stevens."

"I remember them! They are so cute! And small!" Steven giggled at me sweetly.

"Do you want to go to the island, Y/n? I'm sure they'll remember you." he smiled. "You were the one who hugged the lights out of them all!" he laughed not in a bad way.

"Sure!" I said as I got up and handed Steven a hand.
We walked slowly to the warp pad and warped to the island. Steven did all the work because it worked only at gems.

"Woah" escaped my lips as I looked around to see trees everywhere and noticed a few watermelon birds.

Steven looked back at me and giggled at my fascination.

"Am I in heaven? Everything looks taken out from a story!" I exclaimed.

Steven grabbed my hand gently, focusing my attention at him. A tint of pink blush appeared on my cheeks.
"Let's go to find the Watermelon Stevens, okay?" he was smiling all the time he said that.

"Of course!" We walked  in the tall trees and bushes until a cascade was getting in the view. I looked in awe to see so many Watermelon Stevens, everyone minding their oun business.

One of the noticed us, making signs at the others. All of them looked very happy.

"Hi there!" I smiled as some Watermelon Stevens came and gave me hugs. My smile grew more and more.
"I missed you all! How are you?" one of them gave you thumbs up.

Some of them had flower crowns, skirts and other cute accessories made by themselves.

Some made their way at Steven talking with him. Somehow he always understood what they were saying. I understood only by theirs actions and the signs.

Steven from time to time would look at Y/n to see what she's doing. She smiled most of the time and one of them walked to her with a flower crown to her.

"Aww" her smile widened and took the flower crown from the watermelon's small hands and put it on her head.

"Hey, Y/n" Steven grabbed my attention. I hummed looking at him.

"Do you want to walk around?" he asked.
"Of course!" she smiled then she turned to the watermelons. "It's okay if we go walk around?" I asked them. I felt a bit guilty if we just started walking like that. All of the agreed and started to walk and continue their work like normal.

Me and Steven started walking and looked around the tall trees and beatiful sky. The scenery was truly amazing. As we were walking I noticed a bush with roses, so I crouched and took one and put it behind Steven's ear, not before taking out all of the thorns. He smiled.

"Now we both have flowers." I smiled as we still walked. I noticed that Steven's face got a little pink because of my action and smiled to myself. We stopped from time to time and talked.

We continued like that until the sun started to go down. And also finding such a beatiful place, flowers growing wildly and unique. There were some huge leafs. We sat and watched the sun going down.

'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now