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The beams of sun shone in your bedroom window, falling onto your face and being woke by it. As you rubbed your eyes and opened them, you had the instinct to find your glasses.

Then you remembered, and noticed, you don't need them anymore. You got up and yawned. You didn't felt hungry, so you decided to read a little. You were very curious what would happen next in your book.

You smiled as you sat back on the bed. This time the book was in your hands. You chose a comfortable position and continued where you left.
After a while you heard your phone buzzing. First you thought it was just a notification from one of your apps. But it continued until you let the book on the bed and took your phone. You were about to put the phone on mute until you saw the notifications were from.

It was from the one and only Steven Universe.

You smiled as you opened your phone to read the messages.

Steven ★

Good morning Y/n!
How are you? Do you want to meet later?

Good morning to you too Steven!
Of course I want to meet! Is it okay after an hour ot two?

Steven ★

It's fine to me

Okay! See you then!

You closed your phone, thinking the conversation was over. But another buzz came from your phone.

Steven ★

Take care
Love you

You stared at his massage, a blush coming to your cheeks. You wanted to reply back and it took you a few minutes to take all your courage.
You exhaled like rocks were on your back and you couldn't breathe because of them.

I love you too

Meanwhile you took your courage to reply back Steven was starting to panic. He wasn't sure it was a good idea. After all it just been a day since you two are together. He looked at his message over and over again. There was no coming back now. You already saw the message.

When you sent the message to Steven he looked at it and smiled. All the panic he had done to himself was washed away. He floated down on his bed, being lovestruck. Now all he has to do is to wait. For him it seemed like time was passing so slow. At first he looked around his room. He saw on his nightstand a frame with a photo with him and Y/n. She was smiling brightly, showing a peace sign. One of the teeth from the front were missing. That teeth fell just the day before. Her hair was put in a pigtail that was to the side of her head.

Steven laughed when he remembered what the young girl said to him back then:

'What's with that pigtail?' I asked, curious.

'I invented this style!' she exclaimed

She was so shocked when her mother told her that style was already made by someone else. That was really funny.

Me on the other hand, I had my red t-shirt with the yellow star on the middle, which was too big for me. I had a bandage on my cheek. I was also smiling.

Y/n's parents were always so nice. My dad told me her parents helped him. And so, me and Y/n got along. We were inseparable. We always played together. I smiled again at the memory.

When I already looked around my room at least twice. I got up and tried to do something to make the time pass. I looked at the books I had and started to read a little. It was a comic book and I finished it in a half an hour. And again I had nothing to do.


I apologize it is short but I'm trying not to let you all wait. But I haven't forgot about the drawings! I hope you like the story!

'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now