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Months passed and the summer vacation came, and Y/n had more time to do other things she liked other than losing 6 hours in school and also a few when doing her homework and learn. School was a pain in her back and surely for many other people.
It was the last day of the school and people came to see what place they took from their grades.

The event didn't last much and when you got back, you changed from that fancy dress you wore for the event and took some more comfortable clothes.

Steven knew it was your last day of school, because you've been saying that a lot in the last weeks, which it didn't bother him, he find it funny. He was glad she was now free and had a lot of time. But actually it wasn't like that. She had the exams coming and learned a lot. This meant a lot for her.

When the day of the results were shown, she asked Steven if he could drive her there, and of course he said yes, like always. In the meanwhile Y/n was learning for hours and hours, he noticed that all those weird, but nice feelings he had when was towards her. He started to like her.

"STEVEN!!" he heard his name, and turned to the person, who was Y/n. She was running towards him, smiling wildly like a kid. She waved her hands like a maniac to grab Steven's attention and surely it did.

She jumped at him, hugging him tightly, her smile contaminating to him too.
"I did it! I passed!" she looked at him, eyes sparkling with stars.

Steven giggled at Y/n. She was too sweet.
"Let's celebrate." Steven suggested and you nodded happily. You two decided to go in the ocean, and went to take your swimsuits.

You put the bag on the sand and then ran to Steven who was already in the ocean. You ran as fast as you could, a loud howl escaped your lips and jumped. The water splashed and Steven put his hand in front of his eyes.

He laughed at you.
"What was that?" he asked as he couldn't resist the urge to laugh at the stupid howl.

"The splash or my battle howl?" you asked.
Steven laughed harder when he heard that the scream you did was a "battle howl".

"What?" you puffed, annoyed, but smiled not long after.
"That's my battle howl! That's how I scare people!" you said proudly.

"You're way too innocent to fight with someone, Y/n." he responded, your proudness vanishing in an instant.

"I'll prove you!" you said pointing your index finger at Steven who only laughed once again.
You started to splash the water towards Steven. He tried to shield his eyes as much as he could until he decided to splash back. Now it was your turn to shield your eyes.
"Ha! I have my glasses!" you laughed like you've won the splash fight. Your glasses, now with water drops on them, were being pretty good at keeping safe your eyes from the water. There were some exceptions where the water actually got in your eyes.

You two were laughing and splashing each other for a while until both of you were soaked in the salty water.
"I'm going to sit down for a few minutes. I'll need to clean my glasses." you said you you took them off, looking at the lenses all dirty and imposible to see through clearly.

You walked with Steven behind you, also deciding to get out for a bit.
You sat down on the towel you left to sit on. Steven followed, but was on the other towel.
"So," Y/n started looking at Steven.
"How's it going? Did anything happened?" you asked with a small smile plastered on your face. You really liked when Steven was telling you the stories he participated in.

"Little Homeschool is almost done! It would be a school for gems!" he exclaimed.
"It seemes really nice, I'll surely visit as much as I can! I'm sure you and the gems will do a great work at helping gems!"

"I think I'll be doing good at helping the gems. Amethyst, Garnet and Pearl are the one's who would do an amazing job. They're gems after all."

"So are you." you smiled. "But don't stress too much about it Steven. You'll do a great job, I guarantee." Y/n encouraged Steven who was determined about your advice. "Yeah.. thanks. You are very good at giving advice. At least to me." He laughed the last part and you joined too.

"Wanna go in the ocean again?"
"Of course."

After a hour or two had passed by, Steven decided to stay at his place and watch some movies. You agreed and walked in the house.
Steven let you in the bathroom first to change from the wet swimsuit to some dry clothes. Your hair was still wet, so you decided to put it in a bun.
You walked out with the swimsuit in your hand and took a small plastic bag from your bag. You put the swimsuit there, then you put the plastic bag in your bag.

You walked on the stairs and knocked on the door. The door was closed and you weren't sure if he was changing, but better to knock before bursting in the room.
"You can come in!" you heard Steven's voice, a little muffed and you opened the door.

He took out all the movies he had and put them in a big pile. "Y/n!" he smiled at you.
"Let's go and make the popcorn." he said as he got up from the floor. You two walked slowly on the stairs,none of you bothering to walk faster.

Steven opened the cupboard, taking out two bags of popcorn. He handed you one to open it. You opened the popcorn, leaving only the small bag to put in the microwave. Steven did the same, and put his bag in the microwave. When it was finished, you handed Steven the nearest bowl you saw. He put the popcorn in and did the same to the second bag.

You walked back to his room, you having the bowl of popcorn in your arms, eating some of it. Both of you chose a movie you both liked. He put the movie and both of you staying in the bed next to each other.

When the movie ended after another two hours, Steven noticed you were asleep. He looked at you for a moment in awe then thought to take off your glasses, thinking it might bother your sleep.

Steven let you sleep in peace as he did other stuff like doing some cleaning, watering the few flowers inside the dome, putting the movies in their place, in one of the shelfs and other things.

Once he was going downstairs, he took a peak to see how are you doing and walked closer. He grabbed the blanket and carefully placed it on her. She looked so calm and peaceful. Steven caught himself smiling at the sleeping girl then continued to go downstairs to finish what he had in mind.

'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now