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"So… what do you wanna do?" Steven asked.

"I… I actually have no idea honestly." I laughed a little embarrassed.

So all day you and Steven walked in Beach City on every street and stopped to take some donuts and you both ate them as you were walking.

You both revisited some old places you haven't been for years, stopping and talking about all the memories you had with the place. The day went by fast, you were a bit shocked when you noticed the sun going down. For you the day was slow, but nice.

"Hey Steven." you said. He started to look at you.
"Do you wanna have a slumber party?" you asked. You didn't had a slumber party for a while.

"But, isn't it Sunday?" Steven said, as if Y/n forgot what day it is.
"I know." you answered. "After all, we won't be staying all night awake."

"Well then, we'll have a slumber party." Steven tried to sound monotone and not interested in the topic. And he was failing. He couldn't stop giggling. "But first let's stop at my house to take some clothes." he said and you nodded.

The walk to the temple was short and quiet. You both entered. You sat on the couch waiting for Steven to take his things and then go to your house. Then it popped in your head. Your parents don't know. You'll need to tell them, so in the time Steven was taking a pillow and a blanket and some pijamas, you called your father, informing him about the slumber party. Your father thought if he should agree or not. You had school tomorrow, so you had to go to sleep early. He then agreed, you didn't knew the reason.

Steven then came down on the stairs having with him the hotdog backpack. You had no idea he still had it. You smiled,

"Do you still have the packback?"  you asked amazed. You still remembered when Steven got it and showed it to you.

"Of course. It's just that I don't use it so often." he said smiling at you as always. It would be strange if Steven wouldn't be smiling all the time at her. She was used to Steven to smile at her all the time. She also does the same.

Steven already had his pijamas on and still had his red sandals on. Y/n got up from the couch and walked next to Steven. They were close to the front door, Steven leaned and opened the door, making a sign to Y/n to walk first.

Y/n walked and turned to him having the most sweet and innocent smiled Steven had ever saw from her.

"Thanks!" she said as she closed her eyes and leaned her head to the side. Steven froze. He swore that his heart banged. He blushed at Y/n, a red colour blooming on his cheeks, ears and a little bit on his nose too.

Y/n opened her eyes and handed her hand to Steven to hold. Surely holding hands would be something normal to them, even if they aren't together,

They begin to walk to Y/n's house. When they got there they were greeted with her parents watching the television on the couch from the living room.

They walked to her bedroom. When they got there, Y/n told Steven he could leave his packback on the floor as she took another blanket, although Steven already took one for himself, and set it on the bed.

"So Steven, what do you want to watch? I can search for a movie!" she said happily, and idea came in her mind.

"A movie sounds nice. But what movie? There are so many good movies and bad ones at the same time!" Steven whined the last sentence like a kid.

She turned her head to look at him and asked,
"How about a horror movie?" she waited for Steven's response or even the slightest reaction from him but nothing.
"If you wanna" she added fast.

Steven giggled.
"I don't mind at all! But I bet you're gonna get scared!" he said bravely.

Y/n smirked, accepting the challenge.
"I bet YOU'RE gonna get scared!" she laughed pointing her finger at him.

"Oh yeah?" he replied.

"Yeah!" you answered. Both of you watched each other for a moment before laughing.
"But still, who gets scared at least once, they lose." he said.

"I agree." you said as both of you shaked your hands, a sign the bet was set.

"Hmm… wanna watch Resident Evil?" you wondered.

"Wait a second. Does it really exist a movie about the games!?" he sounded excited. I showed him the game and from that our discussions about zombies and all this stuff cane from. I was shocked, and glad, he likes the games as much as I do.

"Yeah! And it's not only one movie! There are six!" I said also excited about the topic.

"Let's watch it!" he said like a kid who can't wait any longer.

"Well then, it's set. We'll watch Resident Evil." I searched it and found it after a few minutes of searching.

I started the movie and closed the light and sat on the bed next to Steven, holding a pillow, not because I was scared already, but actually I liked holding the pillows or my plushies.

I was watching the screen closely, paying no attention to Steven at all.
Steven on the other hand, was nervous. Not because he was afraid he will twitch from one of the jumpscares. But more because was paying attention a little bit more to Y/n than the movie. He wasn't sure why, but he would catch a glimpse of Y/n starring at the computer screen, her glasses mirroring the screen.

From time to time Y/n would start talking with Steven about the jumpscares or what's happening, the movie was really good. None of them didn't got scared of any of the jumpscares yet.

When the movie ended, Y/n looked on the computer at the clock, noting it was already 10pm.
"Really sorry we can't stay up more late." she said pretty embarrassed, rubbing her neck.

"Hey, it's okay! Really!" he replied.

"Well… um.. this might sound really weird but, I hope it's not so weird to sleep in the same bed." she mumbled.
"But I can sleep on the floor."

"No! You don't need to sleep on the floor! We'll just… share the bed." Steven tried his best not to make the sentence sound weird, but it was hard to make it sound not so bad.

Y/n nodded and hummed, walking to put her phone to charge and set the alarm on. Steven was on the other side and Y/n sat on the side, taking her one of her plushies to hug it and put her blankets on and closed her eyes, not before taking her glasses off and put them on the desk.
"Goodnight Steven" she wispered loud enough for Steven to hear and said back,

"Goodnight Y/n" Y/n closed her eyes and sliwly drifted to sleep. Steven was still up and looked a little at her. She looked really cute sleeping. He also closed his eyes and waited for the tiredness to cone for him and take him. It took a while but it eventually it did.

'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now