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You slowly opened your eyes, your eyes darted to left to right remembering you were still at his home. You looked at the TV, now turned off. Everything far away from you was blurry. You rose from bed, noticing you had a blanked on you. You were sure you haven't did that before you fell asleep.

Once again you looked around for your pair of glasses. Once you saw the blurry color on Steven's nightstand, you walked there and grabbed the glasses, putting them back on your nose, now seeing everything clearer.

You noticed that Steven wasn't in the room, so you decided to search for him. As you wanted to go downstairs to check if he was there, the door opened, revealing Steven.

"Y/n!" he exclaimed sweetly.

"Hey" you yawned a little then smiling at him.
"Do you have any idea how much have I slept?" you asked as you rubbed one of your eyes, still being a little sleepy.

"Not for long. Just for an hour or so!" he laughed.

"Steven!" Y/n pouted. "You could've just woke me up! It didn't got boring to wait?" you asked as you eyed him.

"Well, a little, but you had a long day! You woke early to see the results, then went in the sea for like two hours and the watched a movie which was also two hours! It's a good thing you got some sleep. Don't you feel a little better after taking a nap?" he asked, knowing for sure the answer. He knew her too well. He knew you didn't like to sleep in the afternoon because you'll just sleep an hour or two of doing something else like reading or drawing or anything that would come up in your mind.

"I feel a little better but-" she stopped as she saw the smirk on Steven's face.
"I knew it." he said proudly, while Y/n rolled her eyes in a joking manner then smile once again at him.

"Y/n, look!" Steven said as he grabbed Y/n's attention before she zoned out for a while. "The sun is going down! Let's go watch it." he looked at you, your eyes boring into his. He noticed a little tiredness in her eyes.
"If you'd like!" he also added just in any case.

The girl nodded and walked slowly to the glass doors that took you to the balcony. Steven followed,being next to her the whole time. When both of them got to the balcony, Y/n rested her hands on the wooden fence in front of her.

Now both of their attention was on the scenery. You smiled as you watched the sun going slowly down.
"Isn't weird that many of us don't even notice how beatiful the sky is?" she said still watching the colorful sky.

"Yeah" he chuckled. It was true after all.
"The sky is right above us. And not many people stop to watch it for a while.. All the colors it has, the clouds having such unique shapes. If you think about it, you won't ever see a cloud that'll look exactly the same ever again." she mumbled, Steven listening the whole time. Y/n wasn't wrong.

Steven then decided to break the ice and asked Y/n,
"How is it with wearing glasses all the time. I always see you with them on and I'm sure many people already asked you this." Steven was a little curious about it. He wanted to hear her opinion about them and how she feels with them.

"Well, there are rarely people asking me this question, most of them are if I can see how many fingers they have up and if I can borrow them to see how they look.. But I cannot say I hate them. I got used to wear them all the time.." she stopped and looked at her feet and back at the sky with a sweet yet a sad smile plastered on her face.

"But I just want to see how it is to see clear again. It can be one day.. just one day.." she didn't look so happy but rather sad and nostalgic about it.

Steven didn't know how Y/n feels. He looked at her, a sad smile going to his lips. He wanted to help her and he could.
"I can help you." Y/n turned her head his way.
"You know, I can heal your eyes." he said as he blushed a little. Y/n fealt the heat rising up to her cheeks too.

Y/n knew Steven will kiss her and heal her eyes. She blushed when she heard his suggestion. He will kiss her. If that'll count as a 'kiss'.

"Sure" she agreed, a little excited. She'll see again without glasses. It passed so many years since she started wearing glasses and was more than grateful to Steven for being so nice and do it.

Already being pretty close to each other, Y/n took her glasses off, now watching Steven's blurry face. She couldn't see the light colour of pink from his cheeks.
"Close you eyes." he wispered slowly and she closed her eyes.

She felt both of his hands on her cheeks, then she felt his soft lips on her right eye then on her left eye. She blushed more and Steven's face was the same.

She opened her slowly, the surroundings being still blurry for a moment. If that lasted for a few more seconds she would have frowned. But a smile took the place, a headache hitting her head. She put one of her hands on her head, as if would help ease the pain.

The headache faded as her vision was getting better. She looked at Steven, now seeing him clearly with his curly hair and sparkling eyes watching the girl.

She grined at him wildly. Steven looked at the sky, embarrassed, his face red, trying to avoid eye contact with her. He noticed a shooting star.
"Y/n, look!" he pointed at the shooting star and the girl saw it. It was her first time she saw a shooting star clearly without her glasses. She gasped looking at it close, wanting to watch it until the end of the world.

"Woah…" she said.

"Isn't it beautiful?" he looked at Y/n, her eyes were on him too.
"It… really is." she grined.

"Thank you" this took Steven by surprise as he noticed the girl's pair of hands around him, embracing him.
"It wasn't a big deal anyway you know-" he stopped when Y/n rose on her toes and gave Steven a kiss on the cheek,now both of their faces burning red.

"I, um…" it was hard for Y/n to make a sentence now, she couldn't make the words get out of her mouth. She was embarrassed. Why did she had done that in the first place?

But Steven returned the flavor by kissing Y/n's cheek. Her face was boiling.

"No need to thank me." he smiled, "you know I'll help you with anything I can, as much as I can." he said.

'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now