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Both of them asleep, in their land of dreams, the alarm started to ring loudly in the quiet room. Y/n opened her eyes and got up to the alram who was still ringing and stopped it.

Steven groaned when the light blinded him and put his arm to his eyes, shadowing his eyes from the bright light. When his eyes adjusted to the light, he turned his look at Y/n and greeted her,

"Morning" he said as he yawned.

"Morning Steven" she said as she turned to say it.

"What are you doing?" he asked.
"I'm doing my packback. I'm taking the notebooks I need for today." she said as she pat the small stack of books and notebooks.

"Aren't too many of them?" he asked as he noticed the other notebooks who were left in their place.
"I know. But I need them all." she grabbed the stack of books and stuffed them in the backpack.

She left the backpack close to the desk and looked down. It was hard to ask him to kindly get out of her room to change.

"Um.. Steven" that grabbed the boys' attention.
"Can you.. leave for a bit?" her face now a bit red from the embarrassment.

"Oh yeah!" he said as he got up and left from the bedroom.
In the meanwhile as she was changing, Steven walked to the kitchen to have a glass of water.

When Y/n got out from her bedroom to the bathroom to brush her hair. Not after so long, she returned and walked to Steven and sat next to him on the couch.

She looked at the time. Steven noticed she had her jacket and backpack close to her.
"Are you leaving already?" he wondered.

"Yeah! I just stay for a few minutes and I'll go." she smiled.
"I should be leaving too. I'll just annoy them if I'll stay! But from when I said I'll stay!" he laughed when he noticed the mistake he did.

Y/n chuckled.
"Oh! I should get going!" she said as she got up from the couch, Steven also doing the same. She put her shoes on and took the backpack.

Steven took his stuff and now both of them were at the front door. She opened the door and got out first because Steven, being the gentleman that he is, let her go first. He closed the door behind him.

"See you later?" she smiled.
"Surely." they hugged and walked to different paths. Steven on his way back to the temple, and Y/n going to the bus stop where the school bus usually stopped.


(I know the chapter is short and nothing interesting happens, sorry. I'll try to think how to make the story pretty interesting with adventures, I'd love to hear some ideas!)

'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now