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"STEVEN!" I yelled as I ran into Steven's arms. He hugged me and spined me around a few times until he let me down and kissed my forehead.

"Hi!" he looked at me in a way I never seen before. He looked glad, happy to see me. It seemed to me there was also some affection in his look. I smiled widely as my blood rushed up to my cheeks.

"I got a surprise just for you!" he said as he held my hand and we walked to his place.
"Where are we going? Can I get a hint?" I wondered. He looked back at me and responded,

"I can give you a small hint. Lion!" he exclaimed.

"Lion you say, hmm . ." you wondered outloud, it was clear you are going to go somewhere with the help of Lion, but you were not sure where.

Steven smiled at you as you tried to find something, clues, that would help you answer your question. You two waited until Lion showed up, jumping out from one of his portals.

"Hey Lion!" Steven said as he started to pet the lion.
"Y/n can you please go a little further away? I'm going to tell Lion where to take us and I don't want to ruin the surprise."

"Okay!" you walked away from Steven and Lion but not so far away. You could hear Steven talking but you just couldn't make out the words which was good. You still wanted to figure it on your own.

"Y/n! You can come now!" Steven waved at you so he could be noticeable to you.
You came back and Steven started talking.
"Hop on Lion! I'll let you be in front." he said as he let you get on his lion.

You got on Lion, with some difficulty at first but you managed to. Steven then get behind you. Lion started to run and let out a loud roar, opening a portal. As you got in you let out a gasp of amazement. All the colors and everything was a thing you don't see everyday.
Steven admired you as you admired the surroundings. You didn't even got to where Steven wanted to show you and you already are amazed by this. As Lion kept on running forward, he roared a few times until you saw another portal opening up for Lion to jump out to. Even to this day you wondered how could Lion do such thing. But the seemed far away from your comprehension.

Lion jumped out to the other portal and you all were welcomed by darkness. Then Lion decided to sit down on the floor. You started to look around but you couldn't make out anything.

"Good thing I took a flashlight." he said as the light of it shone to the floor.

"Steven can I hold it?" you asked.

"Oh my hand? Of course!" he joked as he put his arm in front of you to hold it.
You smiled and held his hand and answered.
"The flashlight Steven. But your hand isn't bad at all."

"Here then." Steven handed you the flashlight. You shone with the light around the place and noticed something on the walls.
You walked with Steven to one of them and asked,
"What are with those? Do you know who they are?" you wondered.

"The Diamonds." he answered then continued with his new question,
"Do you have any idea where are we?" he asked as his smiled became into a slick smirk.
He was sure you might not get it but there was sone hope for you. He was curious if you could figure it out.

You sticked your tongue out at his smirk and said,
"I don't really kno-Aaha! I know! You've told me about the Moon Base and you promised to take me there. We're in the Moon Base, right?" you were so impatient to find out.

He hugged you tight making you laugh.
"You're right!" he laughed.
When he let you go, he held your hand and walked with you to one of the illustrations on the walls.
"That's Blue." he pointed at the blue woman. You flashed the light on the other side to the yellow gem or woman.
"And that's Yellow." you answered, you flashed and continued.
"White and Pink, right?" you asked.
You watched him. For a moment he looked troubled then nodded, composing himself back to his happy self.

He gasped so sudden you flinched.
"Y/n look at this!" Steven exclaimed as he jumped and started to float. You also gasped surprised then like a childish person started to jump and float too.

"Look at me! I'm a Moon Boy!" he laughed as he jump a few more times.
You also started to laugh and responded with
"And I'm a Moon Girl!"

"Yeah!" he cheered and you started to giggle. Then you hit the floor pretty hard.
"Oww. ." you said as you put one of your hand on your back since you fell on the back.

"Y/n!" he exclaimed worriedly and floated back to you.
"Does it hurt bad?" he asked you as he helped you get up.

"I'm fine." you giggled a little. "It's not so bad after all. It did hurt a little at the start but I'm fine now." you reassured him.

"Wait I have something else to show you!" he walked around for a short while until he kneeled and tapped something. You noticed some stairs appeared that were going up.
"Let's go!" you walked to Steven and you two started to walk on the stairs.

You stopped at the first floor. You saw a globe that it looked like the Earth.
"Here you can see the world up close! Let me show you!" Steven said as he started to put his hand on the globe and on the walls it showed Beach City. You saw the shops, the people walking, the birds flying above you.

You were impressed by it.
"Let's look at the other places!" you exclaimed as you pointed randomly to Steven to a part of the globe. You two admired the other places together for a while until Steven got up and said.

"Unfortunately this is the only thing that works in here and I know how to use it." Steven began to apologize.
"Whoa whoa whoa! That's okay! Really!" you assured the boy next to you.

"Do you want to go back?" Steven asked, waiting for your answer.
"Yeah." you smiled at him.

"Okay then!" he responded and you walked down the stairs where Lion was staying, maybe taking a nap.

"Hey Lion" you said as you got to Lion and started to pet him. Steven watched you hug the lion and pet him. He started to smile to himself just by watching you.

Lion let out a big yawn and got up from his sitting position. Y/n hopped on Lion's back and Steven hopped on too.
Lion once again started to run a let out a big roar. You admired once again the colors, making Steven to chuckle and hug you. You really seemed a kid to Steven. Always curious about everything. He didn't want you to change your personality.


(once again I am writing at the end of a chapter, but I just wanted to apologize for those who were expecting something better. I think my book is pretty boring, but I'll continue it. and because I got inspired to write a new book. I already wrote the first chapter, but I won't publish it until I get the whole story finished. here are two screenshots about the new book. I am repeating this book won't be published until I write and ending to it, but I thank everyone reading this one!💜🌺✨)

 I am repeating this book won't be published until I write and ending to it, but I thank everyone reading this one!💜🌺✨)

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'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now