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I smiled sweetly at Steven, my face face obviously being red. Steven surprised me when he kissed my cheek. I thought I did a mistake after I kissed his cheek, I guess it wasn't a mistake after all.

We looked at each other, an awkward silence approaching both of us.
"It's kinda hard to say but . . ." I said as I grabbed my other arm.
"I. . had no idea you. . you like me." I said. 'Or is it just me'.

Steven exhaled before answering. He took all the courage he had and answered.
"I noticed I started to like you for a while" he smiled trying his best not to sound nervous or look nervous.
He grabbed my hand in his hands. I looked for a second at my hand then at Steven's face. He was looking at me and I smiled.

"I'm really bad at doing things like this. . ." he mumbled softly, almost wispering.
"I like you. You always had been such a nice person and I really enjoyed all the things we've done together. I would like to know if you want to be my girlfriend. We'll take things easy, I never was in a relationship so . . ."

"Don't worry! I also have no idea what to do, but I would love to!" I said happily.
Steven then let go of my hand and hugged me. I hugged back, feeling calm and warm in his embrace.
"We can stay like this for 5 more minutes?" I giggled and didn't answer.
He clearly knew that I wanted to stay like this too.
So we stayed for a few minutes until Steven decided he should stop. It made me giggle, he was so cute!

"Let's do something!" I suggested.
"Want to go to the shore?" I smiled.

"Of course!" Steven grabbed my hand in a gentle manner and we both walked down the stairs holding hands until we got to the front door.

I put my flip flops on my feet, Steven doing the same, and went outside.
The stars were pretty noticeable in the night sky, shining brightly. The moon also shining, this night wasn't so dark. You could see very easy around you, giving the scenery a blue- ish tint: the sand, Steven's beach house and the hills that were far away.

I then decided to do something, not telling Steven about it. I took his hands in mine. The difference between was that Steven's hands were a bit bigger than mine; while my hands were small. I started to spin slowly and jump from time to time. I took Steven by surprise, but joined after.
We both turned around smiling wildly, the smiles started to be giggles then to laughter.

It was really such a nice moment. Everything seemed to be in slow motion, everything moving around slowly, only us in the moment.

Steven also being lost in the moment, he decided to spin Y/n in the air. In one swift motion, he let go of Y/n's hands and held her by her waist. He lifted her up with not much effort and started to spin her in ther air. Y/n gasped when she got lifted from the ground. She then laughed, never feeling this happy in her whole life.

Steven then threw her up, maybe a little too high. Y/n screamed,
"Steven!" she was up in the sky but not so far. Steven didn't waste any time and jumped where she was. Steven grabbed you and held you in his arms.

"Woah..." you gasped, amazed by how lovely Beach City looked from up here. She looked where Empire City would be, noticing easily all the lights that were far from both of them. Steven floated slowly in the air, going down on the ground. It took a while until then, but it was nice staying up there just the both you.

"It's nice, isn't it?" Steven asked.
"It surely is.." you replied, still amazed by the places and looked everywhere.

When Steven's feet touched the ground, he put you down staying up on your own. It started to get very late and Y/n needed to get home soon.
Both of you walked in his house and you grabbed your stuff.

"Do you want to walk you home?" Steven suggested.

"Of course!" you replied happily and a bit sleepy. Although you slept before, it still crept towards you.
You two walked calmly back to your home. None of you said a word, not bothering to break the comfortable silence. All the way to your home, you and Steven held your hands.

When you two finally got to your house, yoy slipped your hand from his and hugged him tight like he was going to disappear anytime soon. When you two pulled from the hug Steven kissed your forehead, in a loving manner, holding your face in both his arms.

He let go of you smiling.
"Goodnight Y/n!" he said as you slowly walked to the front door.

"Goodnight Steven!" you said back, watching Steven blowing a kiss or two to you. You blushed and giggled, Steven also joining.

"Go sleep already!" Steven said.
"It's late!" he walked back not before looking back at you nodding and going inside waving at him. He waved back and started to walk back home, a smile struck on his face. He never felt so happy in only one day.

He frowned when he thought the day is going to be over. He didn't want the day to be over yet. He wanted to spend his time with Y/n, even if that meant just sitting and talking about anything. Even that was enough. He sighed then smiled.

Tomorrow I'll spend my time with Y/n again. And the day after and so on.

'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now