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Today I was supposed to meet with Steven, as always, but it seemed like Mother Nature was thinking otherwise. In the morning the sky was full of grey clouds covering the sun, then in the afternoon when I was supposed to go out, a big storm came by. And until now the weather has been the same, the storm still present. I sighed averting my eyes away from the window.

It seemed this wasn't a good day for me. I also have been sad for no reason, I just woke up feeling sad. I thought if I rewinded some of my funny memories from the past might cheer me up. I laughed to myself for a while, thinking all the stupid stuff I did in my childhood. But that didn't last long and I still felt sad.
I decided I might talk with Steven since we couldn't met. It was pretty late and I hoped Steven could still be awake at this hour.

You waited, and waited, and waited when the call ended. He didn't respond either.

'Don't be stupid Y/n, Steven has also got a life, he maybe is already asleep' you thought

You just wanted to talk a little with him and in the state you were in the moment wasn't helping. You started to feel miserable. Your heart was beating fast, making you anxious. You looked around trying to find something, anything, to distract you from all these thoughts. You eyes fell on your notebook. You got up and took it from the shelf you had put it and put some song that would give you happy vibes.

You opened at a blank page and started doodling. You didn't gave too much thought about it, letting your imagination free. It didn't work which made you frustrated. You suddenly closed the notebook, more frustrated than ever and threw it not too far away from the bed.

You tried forcing yourself to draw but it didn't work. Now angry and so sad you felt like crying. You bit your lip and looked once again at the window. The rain drops were hitting the window so hard you thought jokingly the glass would break at some point.
You sniffed as your eyes begin to water.

'It's so pathetic. I don't even have a reason to cry for!' you argued in your mind as you wiped your tears away.

It was clear you were upset and sad. You sniffed again and took your phone. You needed something to make you feel better or take your mind from this wreck.
As you looked at your apps nothing helping you at all you just noticed someone was calling you, at 1 am.
You saw it was from Steven, you answered as you wiped your tears away.

"Thank goodness. . ." you mumbled softly more to yourself.

"Y/n did something happen?!" he was really worried after you said that. Poor Steven thought something happened, but it actually did.

"No! . . uhh maybe??"

"What happened?" his voice now more calmer he asked again.

"I just had a bad day. . The weather was awful, my feelings are a wreck for no reason and . . and I just wanted to talk to you. ." you sniffed softly at the end.

"Hey it's going to be alright Dreamy. If you say you feel like that for no reason it'll pass away eventually. Anyway, wanna talk about it?"

"Yeah. ." you smiled sofly. You already felt way better than before.

You told him what happened and how you felt and he helped you out. You two continued to chat about their adventures together as kids.
Steven told you how the Moon looked like. Explaining to you about it being a base where you could see the Earth and around the places you wanted.

"I want to go there" you said sweetly as Steven giggled softly.

"I'll note that down to remember." you could practically feel his smile.
You were so thankful for Steven being your friend and your boyfriend.

✨🌺 Steven's point of view 🌺✨

I kept on telling Y/n some of the things I did. I heard her laughter from my phone. It made smile even more.
We talked and talked, as I was telling her a story I notice she hasn't said anything, not even giggle. I stopped to listen closely. All I could hear was her slow breathing.
I smiled and said,

"Goodnight Dreamy. I love you."
was all I said as I hung up.
I haven't noticed how tired I was until now. I yawned and closed my eyes, my mind thinking of Y/n. I hoped she'll feel better the next day.


(hello everyone! I did this small chapter as a small filler because I really need to think how I should do in my next chapter! I thank you all again for reading this book and I love you all! so until then I wish everyone a good day/night!💜🌺✨)

'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now