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I fell asleep while still having my glasses on. When I woke up, my eyes widen when I remembered I slept with them on. I was scared that I might have sat on them. I got out of bed searching for them and then looked at the table. They were right there. I guess my mom cane from work and noticed my glasses and put them on the table.

I took them and noticed they were all dirty and there was no way I can see with them like this. I took a tissue and cleaned them, then putting them on.

It was Sunday unfortunately and today I needed to start making my homework.
I walked to the kitchen being greeted by my father in the living room watching TV and by my mom in the kitchen looking at the phone.

"Morning." I said to both of them.

"Sweetie what do you want to eat?" my father asked looking at me.

"I'm not sure. I can eat milk with cereal." I said.

"Yeah, take the milk and boil it a little just to get warm." I nodded. I opened the fridge and took the milk and put it on the gaz cooker and let the milk boil for a few minutes, then taking a small bowl and cereal.

I put the milk in the bowl then some cereals and started to eat. After I went back to my room debating if I should start doing my homework now or later. If I start now I'll have plenty of free time, so I decided to make them now.

I took my notebooks at the subjects I had homework at and put them all on the table. I also took my phone with the headphones to listen to some music.

It took me two to three hours to finished them but I did it and I was proud. I really need to start doing them more early. I looked at the time and was 2 pm.

I thought I can draw something on my sketchbook and decided to draw something.

I opened my phone, searching a song which was matching with my mood. I felt good and happy it wouldn't be a bad idea to listen to a love song, if the song can even be called a love song honestly. It gave me good vibes and met with the song. 'What do you mean  its 1985', I wasn't really into old type of songs but there are a few who are really good and this one to, even if it isn't from the 19s.

You opened the sketchbook at a blank page. Now all you need is just some inspiration. 'Thiiink Y/n' you thought tapping the pencil on the paper.

Then it got to you. How about the dance from yesterday? Or the sky? Both of them seemed like good ideas for you , so you started drawing. You started with the beautiful sky with its mixed colors. That was really a pleasant sight.

You started coloring the sky and the clouds. When you finished you looked at it for almost a minute, impressed by yourself. You didn't drew so often the sky or a background, you were more into drawing people and characters from games you liked.

You turned the page to a new one and thought from what angle you should draw it. You tried to think how you and Steven looked from the 3rd person. It was a bit hard imagining but you finally cane with an idea for the angle and started drawing.

You and Steven holding each others' hands, your other hand resting on his shoulder and his on you waist. You still remembered the embarrassment Steven had to put his hand on your waist. You thought it was cute, but still, poor Steven.

You drew both of you having a bit of blush on your faces and the sweet smile Steven was giving you. You could have swore the even from last night was taken from a Disney movie. The princess dancing with the prince in the garden full with bloomed flowers, such as chrysanthemums, roses and many more I couldn't remember.

You took a break from drawing thought if Steven was free to hang out with you again. You called him. You stayed like that for not long and Steven answered.

"Hi Steven!" you greeted him. You suddenly were excited to hang out with him once again.

"Hey Y/n!" you heard on the other side. He seemed as happy as you are right now.

"I was wondering if you can come to hang out!" you said waiting for his response.

"Y/n, you know I'm free all the time to hang out with you. Where you wanna meet?" he asked. You replied,

"At the beach. It's close to our houses so! Yeah! See you there?" you said in a intentional awkwardness. You heard Steven giggle which made you smile.

"See you there Y/n." he said in his sweet tone which you were attracted to. Yes, it sounds weird, but could honestly melt hearing him talk on that tone, but this also started when you started having a crush on him.

He hang off the call and you walked to your wardrobe and dressed with other clothes. When you were ready, you walked to the bathroom to brush your hair. When you were at the front door, doing the shoelaces of your shoes when your father asked,

"Where are you going?" he asked you. He obviously didn't sound like he was interrogating you, he was just asking.

"I'm going out with Steven." I said. He just nodded.

"Have you done your homework?"

"I did. So I have plenty of time!" you laughed.

"Ok. Please take care." he said as you were leaving.

"Of course. Bye dad!" you said as you waved at him. he waved back at you and said bye as well.

You walked slowly to the beach. The walk was really nice and calm, being so silent. You got to the beach and looked around if Steven came earlier than you or if he was coming your way.

You saw him walking to you and waving his hand to you.
"Y/n!" he said louder.

"Steven!" I said back running to him. He started running too, both of you being in front of each other.

You smiled at him. He was obviously smiling before and now his smile got wider. He seemed really happy.

He hugged you and you hugged back. Staying for a while like that, again, then started chatting.


(hello and thank you for everyone reading this book! I don't write p.s at the start or the end of a chapter so I'll try not too often! I just wanted to ask you all your opinions about if I would draw some scenes or drawings the reader does in the sketchbook! and also! I would be more than glad to get some ideas what Steven and Y/n should do when they hang out!)

'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now