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As we both watched the sun going down, the sky starting to have so many colors such as blue, pink, orange, red and purple. All of them mixing nicely with each other making a beatiful scene to watch.

I felt myself smiling more, don't know why, but I had a nice feeling inside of me. Everything seem right. Should I tell him? Wait, no! That would be weird, maybe another time.

I turned to look at Steven, he was also watching the sun and the sky. He noticed I was looking at him and looked back at me.

"Isn't it beatiful, Y/n?" Steven said as he looked back to get a better look at the scenery. I turned back too for a moment and watched Steven back.

"Yeah. It really is." we looked at each other. I felt the awkward silence and smiled a little.
"Heh." I laughed a little. "Thanks."

"For what?" Steven wondered.

"For taking me here. I got to see the island, the Watermelon Stevens and I also got to go outside from time to time." Steven blushed hearing Y/n's words. It gave Steven a nice feeling like Y/n. But he didn't knew that.

"No need to thank me, really Y/n! I'm..." Steven stopped to think a little of what he should say. "I'm glad I got some time to hang out with you." he had such a sweet smile it made Y/n's cheeks to burn, getting from a tint of pink to a more prominent shade of pink to a red.

"I'm... also glad I got to spend some time with you, Steven. This place is so nice." Y/n mumbled the last part.

"Mind if I put a song?" Y/n asked.

"Of course not!" he said in his sweet tone.

"Okay!" Y/n sounded enthusiastic which made Steven once again to feel nice.

Y/n looked into her phone for a while searching a song. Her eyes sparked when she found one and put it. The song wasn't bad at all! I liked it.

Y/n started to hum at the song. She then put her phone down and got up.
She put her hand in front of me.

"Do you mind?" she said, a bit embarrassed of her small actions.
Steven didn't respond, but took her hand and it was enough for Y/n to know the answer.

Y/n still held Steven's hand, not really noticing. But Steven didn't mind at all. He actually didn't want Y/n to stop holding his hand.

She walked and hummed and started to dance. Such as a small spin and synchronize with Steven's moves. They ended up holding both of their hands and dance sweetly.

Y/n wasn't really sure it was all real. Was she dreaming? She hoped not. And if it was, she didn't want the dream to end now. Not yet. But she was awake. This surely can't be a dream. And she was glad it wasn't.

As they looked at each other, they both blushed and laughed a little. It was nice. It felt nice. Everything was nice, better to say perfect.

Y/n walked back to where she left the phone and placed it in one of her pockets.

"It's starting to get late. We should go back." Steven said, although he wished to stay for a little more. He wasn't really sure why, but he didn't want the feeling to fade away.

"Yeah. Do you want to stop at Fish Stew Pizza?" Y/n suggested.

"Sure. That would be great!" Steven said.

As they were walking, Steven thought of the dance they shared and the song was stuck in his head. That memory will be stuck with him for a while.

On the other side, Y/n was blushing, so did Steven. She was also thinking about the dance and everything they did today. She felt sad the day was coming to an end unfortunately.

She looked at Steven's face for a brief second and turned her attention to his hand. She wanted to hold his hand again. She was afraid it might weird to ask that, but what else she could do? The temptation was too big.

It took her a second or two to clear her mind to say the right words.
"Would you mind if..." and from there it got hard to say.

Steven turned his attention to her face. He was clearly thinking of the dance. It was hard for Steven not to.

He looked at her eyes. He followed with his look where she was looking at. She was starring at his hand. He got the idea pretty quickly, although he couldn't make what was that nice feeling that he was having.

He blushed and took her hand in his gentle grasp.
"I don't mind." he said as he was looking at her again. Smiling, obviously. It was hard not to.

Y/n looked in his eyes for a moment, then looking down, shyly.

None of them didn't dare to make a peep as they walked to the warp pad, enjoying the moment.

Steven warped them back to the temple. The gems clearly were in their rooms or somewhere else.
"Wait a moment! I need to take some money for pizza. Go sit on the couch, it won't take me long!" he smiled.

He took small steps, feeling his hand slipping from Y/n's. He eventually took his hand away from hers, longing at the feeling.

As Steven walked to take some money, Y/n approached the couch and sat down with both her hands on her knees. She was starring at the hand which held Steven's. The hand felt warmer than the other one. It was funny, really! She got the chance to hold Steven's hand, twice, and even dance with him.

Steven came back and they walked to Fish Stew Pizza. When they got there, and sat at the table, Jenny walked to them to take the order.

"Hey Steven, Y/n! What do you want?" She asked nicely.

"Do you have some vegetarian pizza?" Steven asked.
"Umm" she thought a little and replied. "We don't have, but I can take out the meat!"

"That's great!" Steven smiled.
When Jenny walked away to give the order, Steven turned to Y/n, who was looking at him.

"Is that okay?" Steven asked.
"The pizza? Of course! It doesn't bother me at all! I started to stop eating so much meat lately." Y/n confessed.

"That's cool!"

They talked for a while until the pizza was ready and started to eat. They finished ten minutes later, takind their time. After Steven payed and both of them left.

They were walking until they got to Y/n's house.
"So" she said as she rubbed her back of the neck. "See you tomorrow?"

"Of course." Steven and Y/n walked closer and hugged. They stayed a bit longer than normal, neither of them bothered by that.

"Bye" Y/n waved her hand at Steven as he started walking.

"Bye!" he said a bit louder because of the distance and waved back.

Y/n walked to her bedroom and fell on the bed. This surely was an amazing day.

'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now