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When the hours finally passed extremely slowly, yes, but still they passed. Steven was glad he didn't had to wait or do something to kill the time and called Y/n.

"Hey Y/n!" he said when he noticed you picked up the call.

"Hi!" you beamed, happily.

"I'm coming to your house. Do you want to do something, I dunno. . play some games or-" Steven stopped when he heard you giggle.

"Doing nothing is fine to me! Anything really! But, how about . . . making a sand castle! What do you think?" you asked excitedly.

"It's pretty childish. . . but I don't disagree." he shrugged.

"Psst! You know me! I'm as childish as a kid!" you exclaimed on the other side.

"Because you are one." Steven laughed.

"Don't even think of lying to me. You are also a kid, you know! Everyone is! And I'm proud by that!"

Steven just laughed. He loved talking to you no matter what subject.
"Hey I'm close to your house. Come outside!"

"Okay Steven! Bye!"

"Bye!" he replied and hung up. He continued his way to your house.
You looked around the house and took a small bucket you had as a kid, a blanket to sit on and a book and your sketchbook. You walked to the front door, putting your shoes on.

"Dad I'm going to the beach for a while!" you told your father, who was in the kitchen, having a coffee.

"Okay sweetie. Take care!" he waved at you sweetly.
You grabbed your stuff and replied
"I will!" you waved back to your father and left. You noticed him in front of your house.
"Hope I haven't made you wait" you said a little embarrassed. It took you some time to find that bucket. Your cheeks having a pink tint in them. Of course you were blushing at Steven. It was impossible not to.

"Not at all!" he replied in his sweet tone.
You two started to walk to the shore.
"I took this bucket." you held it up for a moment then continued "I thought it could be useful."

We got to the shore, pretty close to his house. I let all my things down, taking the blanket and setting it down on the sand.

It didn't take a lot of time to finish a small sand castle and we did another one.
"Steven, where do I put this?" I asked, waiting for Steven to tell me.
He was next to me and looked at the almost finished castle.

"Give the bucket to me." he gestured with his hand and I handed him the bucket with sand.
"Thank you." before I could have had time to respond, he leaned and kissed my cheek. My cheeks burned a red colour.

It didn't last long, maybe a few seconds, and Steven set the last bucket with sand and finished the castle.
"Ta-da!" he exclaimed.

"Steven you forgot the sea shells!" I laughed as I handed him a hand full of sea shells.
"Right! To make the castle look more fancy." Steven responded making me giggle. The red colour slowly got to a soft red, almost noticeable.

I took a few shells from the pile and started to decorate the small castle. I put some shells on the outer walls and inside. The castle now really looked very nice!

"It looks so nice!" I beamed, happy as ever and Steven took a look to admire our creation.

"Indeed!" he responded as he took a seat on the blanket. So do I.
"It was fun." Steven watched the small castle now decorated with shells everywhere.

"What a shame I haven't brought any snacks." I mumbled.
"Not really. We can take some snacks, it's not far away anyway. Wanna go?"

"I'll stay here if it doesn't bother you."
"Alright! Want something Y/n?"
I thought for a moment then answered.
"Chaaps! I haven't had those since forever!" I laughed at my statement and Steven joined me.

'ℙ𝕦𝕥 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣' ❨Steven x Reader❩Where stories live. Discover now