Chapter 2

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My alarm goes off precisely at 5:30 in the morning. I groan. I'm really not ready to go. After about hitting the snooze button a second time around I decide to just get up. I grab the clothes off the end of my bed and go into the bathroom. I start by brushing my teeth then getting my clothes on. Yes I have a routine. After, I do my hair which takes a log time since I want it to be perfect. Lastly I put deodorant on.

I head out of the bathroom. I grab my backpack that's in my closet and go downstairs. My mom is still getting ready. I turn the coffee maker on for her, grab a coffee cake, and sit at the kitchen table. Once the coffee maker dings, I pour a cup for her.

She comes hustling down, "we only got ten minutes to do whatever we need to do. We can't be late."

"Alright," I let out a sigh.

"This school is one of the best schools in the country hun. You'll be fine," she pats my shoulder.

After our little breakfast we head out the door and to the school. It's not a long ride. She pulls up in front of the school. My heart starts to pound, and I get all jittery. Almost everyone there is wearing a nice shirt with nice pants and nice shoes. I'm stuck wearing a My Chemical Romance shirt with my skinny jeans and converse.

"Well have a good day, Johnnie," she smiles.

I get out and give her a little wave. Boy this is going to be fun.


I go to the office to get my schedule. They're really nice ladies in the office. After I grab it I had back out into the hallway. All the kids look alike. And then there's me, walking down the hallway wearing all black. Even my backpack is black. I turn the corner and run into someone.

"I'm sorry," I look up at the person.

He's super tall and he's frowning at me.

"Watch where you are going next time, punk," he walks around me.

Great Im already on that kids bad side. I keep walking down the hallway until I find my homeroom. It's a little room with math equations and symbols pasted all over the sort walls. I'm not in one of the smart classes either. I am dyslexic so math and English and pretty hard for me. I take a seat in the back of the room. Nobody is in here except me. I patiently wait for a teacher or even a student to come in. Finally the first bell rings and some kids start filing in. They take their seats all around the room. I catch someone staring at me. He turns his head fast when I glance over towards him.

The last bell rings and the teacher walks in with her laptop held tightly in her arm. Her other hand has her coffee in it. She sets everything down on her desk.

"Alright class let me do role and then we'll get started," she takes a seat at her desk with her laptop in front of her.

She starts calling out names. She gets to mine, "Johnnie Guilbert?"

"I'm here," I respond.

"Oh. Are you the new student here?" she asks a little confused.

"Yes ma'am. Today is my first day."

"Okay. Well my name is Ms. Jefferson," she then continues with role.

I sit there playing with my thumbs. Once she gets started with her lecture, I'm almost asleep.


My eyelids fly open, "what?"

The class starts giggling. Ms. Jefferson's face does not look too happy.

"Stay awake, Mr. Guilbert," she scolds.

The rest of the class I sit up with my hands folded just so I can stay awake.


When lunch time comes around I am more than ready to relax and eat. I haven't made any friends yet, which sucks. Of course I haven't seen anyone with band shirts on or that kind of sort. I'm kind of bummed about this school. It's filled with filthy rich kids. I don't want to become part of that kind.

I keep walking down the hallway to the lunchroom. It's overloaded with kids. The line for hot lunch is insane as well. I take a seat in the corner of the big room where I can eat my lunch in peace. I pull out the brown sack and begin to pull out the lunch items my mom packed me. Yeah, my mom still packs my lunch. I got a turkey sandwich, a bag of cheetos, a soda, and a piece of chocolate. I start eating, but as soon as I take a bite of my sandwich a kid walks up to me. I lift my head up to see who it is. It's the kid who I ran into earlier. "Shit" I think to myself.

"Move," is all he says.

"Okay," I grab my lunch and move for him. I'm not in the mood for a fight.

He takes a seat. I walk off trying to find another table, but of course with my luck, there isn't any. I go to turn around, but as I do this kid walks square into me. My lunch squishes into my chest.

"Woah. I'm sorry," he appologizes while putting his hands up.

I take my lunch, walk to the nearest trash, throw it away, then walk out of the lunch room. I walk fast to the closest bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. There is mayonnaise rubbed all over my shirt. I put my backpack on the ground then get some toilet paper from a stall to start cleaning up the mess. I sigh to myself. I still have another two periods to go after lunch.

I hear the bell ring. I groan. Today is not my day I think to myself. I grab my stuff and head out to my next class.


Finally the end of the day comes. When I see there is only five minutes left of class, I happily start packing up. I start by putting my notebook away, but of course I get stopped by the teacher.

"Johnnie its not the end of class yet," she taps my desk.

"Yeah, but it is close. Plus I'm done with everything," I answer back.

She frowns a bit, "proof read what you just wrote. Make sure there isn't any mistakes."

I grunt, but do as she says.

At last the bell rings. I finally get to pack up my stuff. Lucky for me I don't take the bus, so that's a bonus. On the downside, I get to walk home. Once I'm done packing up I practically run out of the door of the classroom. I go to my locker to get some books I need for homework. It sucks because I have to bring three books home. I get up off the floor and turn around, but as I do I'm shoved against the locker.

"Hey punk," the guy from earlier spits in my face.

"Please don't hurt me," I look away from him. His breathe smells aweful.

"Look punk, you better stay away from me or things are going to get nasty real fast," he barks.

"I didn't even do anything," I say in defense.

He shoves me harder against the lockers, "just stay away from me and my friends, queer."

He lets go of me and storms down the hallway. I grab my backpack and hurry down the hallway making sure he's no where to be seen.


I will be trying to make my chapters longer in the future, but I hoped you all liked this chapter!

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