Chapter 4

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~~2 weeks later~~

School has been better. That kid that beat me up hasn't picked on me once since the bathroom incident and I hope it stays that way. His name is Aaron. Apparently he's on the football team too. I have a couple friends now. Well I wouldn't really call them friends, but they work. What happened is one day I was eating alone at a lunch table and they came up to me asking why I was alone. So I told them exactly why. I guess they felt bad, so they "accepted" me into their group. They talk about videogames and science. Shit like that. I just sit with them at lunch. They pretty much ignore me, but they do gossip about Aaron and his friends, so I stay for that bit. Aaron is pretty much a man whore I've heard. He has several "girlfriends". I could use that against him sometime.

I chuckle to myself.

"What's so funny, Johnnie?" Josh asks. Josh is one of my nerd friends.

"Nothing," I continue to eat my lunch.

"Hmm. Alright," he continues his own story about a nebula in space.

The bell finally rings. I gladly grab my shit and get to my next class. I make a stop at the bathroom first to wash my hands before going to my class. When I'm done washing my hands, I run to my locker to get a book I almost forgot. The hallways are pretty clear now. I'll probably be late for class which is pretty normal for me. Most of my teachers dont care to much though. I hear a someone trying to get their locker open. They start jiggling the handle then smack the locker.

"Dammit. Now I'm going to be late," it's a feminine voice.

I take a peek around my locker door. She's still messing around with it.

"Hey, do you need help?" I ask from my own locker.

"Oh sure," she scoots over.

I move over to her locker, "what's the combo?"

"36 23 45," she answers.

I mix up what she has put in then try it for myself. I get it on the first try.

"There you go," I motion towards the locker.

She grabs three books right as the last bell rings.

"Thanks...what's your name?" she questions while shutting the locker.

"Johnnie, yours?"

"Elizabeth," she smiles at me, "well I kind of have to go because I'm going to be really late if I stay."

"Same," I stare at her for a moment.

She grabs her backpack, throws it over her shoulder, and heads down the hallway.

I finally get up when I see a teacher walking down the hallway.


The rest of the day goes by smoothly. I get out of class and head to my locker to get books for homework. I kneel to the ground, open my locker, and start shoving books in my backpack. I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I whip around to see that's its Elizabeth.

"Oh hey," I smile at her.

"Hey. I was wondering, do you want to walk home with me?" she asks.

"Sure. Where do you live?" I ask.

"Well I think we might live in the same neighborhood. I've seen you walk around before," she looks down on me.

I stand up, "alright lets go."

We walk out of the building. It's a little awkward at first, but I eventually think of a subject to talk about.

"So what kind of music are you into?" I look at her.

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