Chapter 8

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~~~~Johnnie's P.O.V~~~~

Monday comes fast. My alarm clock goes off earlier than usual so I can get dressed and have time to eat breakfast without being rushed. I plug in my flat iron and sit on the toilet while it heats up. I'm super tired, for some reason, this morning. I rub and blink my eyes several times just to wake up. It isn't until 100 blinks later I decide to splash my face with water. I look in the mirror and start to flat iron my hair. It takes a good 10 minutes to get it just right. When I'm done I do the rest of the necessities and head downstairs, backpack in hand, to eat some breakfast.

My mom is already gone by the time I get down there. I grab my coffee cake and start to eat away. I pour myself a cup of coffee and one to go since I have a long day ahead and I'm super fucking tired.


For some reason the bus arrives to school earlier than usual. I hop off with the rest of the kids and head to my math class.

As Im walking down the hallway I spot Elizabeth talking to some friends, but she instantly stops when she sees me.
She runs over to me.

"Hey Jobnnie," she drags out the "O".

"You seem happy. Did something happen?" I ask curiously.

"Nah. Just a good day I guess," she replies.

"Well I'll walk you to class then I have to go," I offer.

"Okay," she smiles back.


When lunch rolls around I look everywhere for Elizabeth. I'm kinda bummed that Kyle doesn't go to this school though. When I reach the far end of the lunch room I finally spot her. I take a seat next to her and her pink friends. They look at me like I'm crazy, but Elizabeth stands up for me.

"He's my friend. If you don't like him then go eat somewhere else," she tells them.

They stare at her then continue eating.


Finally the end of the day comes around. I pack up my shit and head to my locker for the five books I need. I grunt once I put them in because they are like 100 pounds on my back.

I trudge down the hallway and out the door. My eyes widen when I see who's out there waiting by his car. He waves me over, and I eagerly go to him.

"Hey Kyle," I smile, "you waiting for Elizabeth?"

"No actually. I was waiting for you," he grins, " I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie with me. I'll pay and give you a lift."

"Of course!" I say a little too excitedly.

He chuckles, "alright well get in."


~~~~Kyle's P.O.V~~~~

We decide to watch The Conjuring since it's the only good movie out right now. I buy popcorn and a large soda for us to share. After getting our food we make our way to the back of the theatre where no one can bother us. Plus it's the best seating there is.

We sit through the commercials while three other little groups of people walk in and take their seats. After a shit ton of action packed commercials the movie finally starts.


Halfway through the movie I have to go pee, so when one of the scary parts come on I almost pee my pants. I grasp Johnnie's hand on accident in the process. He pulls away slowly.

"Sorry," I whisper as I feel myself starting to blush.

I go to reach for the popcorn. Johnnie's hand and my hand collide. I pull away fast.

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