Chapter 15

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~~~~Johnnie's P.O.V~~~~

Almost two weeks pass by and I'm tired as fuck. I haven't slept much because I've been going to the park every night to see Kyle. It's the only way we can see each other at the moment. I hope this whole deal is over soon. I can't even text him anymore. His mom blocked me on everything and she checks his phone what seems like ten times a day. He tells me he's going to talk to his mom about it, and he already has, but she hasn't considered us even hanging out together. I just want to get back together, or at the least be friends. I miss going places with him.

Elizabeth and I have been talking and hanging out a lot lately though, and to be honest hanging out with her takes my mind off things. We usually go to the mall together and shop around. It's pretty fun, but every once in awhile I think of Kyle when with her. Even Elizabeth thinks what his mom did is ridiculous. She's trying to help us get reunited by hanging out with Kyle's mom. I know it sounds weird, but she's actually pretty close to his mom. Elizabeth has been trying to persuade his mom to let us hang out at the least. So far it isn't helping. As a matter of fact, it's breaking us even farther apart because now his mom is making up lame excuses to avoid hanging out with Elizabeth.

Right now I'm in my room trying to film a YouTube video, but nothing I do seems funny. And each time I film a part it just gets more and more depressing, so after filming about 10th video clip for the first part I call it quits for the day. I lay on my bed and check out my Tweets and Instagram likes. I'm super tired. I just want to sleep for the rest of my life.


~~~~Kyle's P.O.V~~~~

I sneak out of the house once again to go see Johnnie. I run through the streets until I reach the park. I'm about dying of panting by the time I get there. I look around, but Johnnie is nowhere to be seen. I see a car round a corner at the end of the street, driving towards the park. It looks as though the car is going to pass the park, but instead it makes a sudden stop. I then realize I'm right under a street light. When it turns off I decide to run in the opposite direction of the mysterious car.

I hear shouting behind me, "hey stop!"

I just keep running around the park's pathway, trying to escape.

"Stop!" the voice says again. This time it's much closer though.

I think to myself, this is how I die. Right as I think that I'm shoved to the ground.

~~~~Johnnie's P.O.V~~~~

Tonight I decide to take my time getting to the park, so I trot down the street slowly. It's pretty cool out but not bad enough where I need a heavy jacket. As I'm making my way down the sidewalk and come around the corner I see that there's a car. It's not just any car, but a cop car. I feel tingles go through my neck when I see Kyle with someone. It's not just a someone either. It's the cop. I stand there paralyzed, not sure of what to do. When I see him get pushed into the car, I quiver. The cop stands next to the door of the car, and looks as though he's talking to Kyle. I start to back away slowly at first, but stop and decide to get a better ear at what's happening. I see a bush near by, so I stealthily make my way over to it. I take a seat and listen.

"What's your name?" the cop asks Kyle.

"Kyle, s-sir," his voice is shakey.

"Okay Kyle, want to tell me why you are out past curfew?" the cop asks.

"I was just taking a stroll," Kyle responds.

"A stroll. At 1 o'clock in the morning?"


I slap my hand on my face. The cop's back is facing me so I stand. I make my way into a spot of light, making sure there's something to hide behind if things get too suspicious, and start waving my hands at Kyle. Kyle spots me within an instant, but doesn't make it obvious I'm there.

"You sure you were just going for a stroll?"

"Yes, sir," Kyle replies.

I back away into the bush. I take out my phone and turn on the flashlight. Man, Kyle owes me big time. I face it down tot he ground and find a good sized rock. I throw it just to the left of the cop. The cop puts his hands above his head.

"What was that?" he gasps.

Kyle smirks at him. I throw another rock but farther this time. The cop puts his hand on his gun. I throw one last rock into the park.

"Stay here. I'll be right back," the cop walks off into the park to investigate.

I can't help but to let out a little chuckle. Once he's far enough into the park where he can't see us I flag Kyle over to the bush. Kyle kneels down with me.

"Hey," I smirk at him.

"Hey babe. Thanks for saving my butt. Hopefully they won't have a warrant out for me," he laughs.

The disgruntled cop finally comes back to the car.

"Dammit. Should've known he wouldn't stay around," he lets out a sigh then hops into his vehicle, driving away.

Kyle and I finally come out of the bush once the cop is a ways down the road.

He turns to me with a sad look on his face, "I guess I should probably go now."

I put my hands on his face then give him a long kiss on his lips. I pull away, "okay. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I don't know."

"Oh...okay..." I squeak out.

"I promise I'm going to make things right. We'll get to see eachother eventually," he looks at me with hopeful eyes.

"Okay," I kiss him one last time.

Then we both take off in our seperate ways.

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