Chapter Seven

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I had fought Vladimir and was 10cm close to killing him if he wasn't a witch hybrid. I cursed at the remembrance of a very close victory. All I wanted was a good challenger but he ended up being the best so I chose in my desire to win than to actually escape.

"They'll be an event holding here in honor of helping society. I've been nominated and I want you to be by my side when I win." He said arrogantly before I scoffed.

"If you win bloodsucker." I said as I played with knife in my hand.

"It's not arrogance human, it's confidence." Vladimir said before he wore his suit jacket.

I watched his steps cautiously as I smirked before I threw the knife at him but he caught and looked at me.

"I will be thankful if you do not ruin my suit or cause a havoc. You've used up your chances for the week." Vladimir said before I scoffed and stood up.

"Don't worry I'm not that low. I'll see you at the party but be careful bloodsucker, humans are unpredictable like accidents." I said before I walked out of his study leaving him to watch me leave.

The party was huge and it was something I had expected. Rich and unnecessary.

I had been to this kind of party before since I was a hunter so my job made me be in everything but I never expected it to be this much and expensive.

"The winner for the nomination of most influential being goes to Lord Vladimir Grey." The lady they brought to call out the names announced as being started clapping except me who had a glass of wine in my hand.

"Thank you for this award Miss Jones." Vladimir said as the lady gave him the award and a kiss to the cheek.

I felt something inside me slowly stir when a woman touched Vladimir but I ignored it and just gulped down my wine since I could hold my alcohol well.

When the nomination was over, Vladimir had won five awards out of eight which I'm not surprised because from research and gossips, he was a great man who loved children and nothing more.

"Where is your escort?" A fat man asked Vladimir who channeled for me to come over.

"I'm afraid I have no escort but a very special human I am courting." Vladimir said making the fat man to watch me wearily as his eyes lusted for me before he realized he was talking to Vladimir.

"I apologize if I was being rude but your human is rather wonderful." He complimented before Vladimir nodded but his taunting eyes never left the man.

"Excuse me." The man said before he left making me to smirk at how someone gave him to Vladimir's oppressing stare.

Pretty pathetic for a supernatural. A rich fat one. I thought as I placed my hand in my pocket.

"Lord Grey, I want to congratulate you again for winning five awards." A tall middle aged man with a nice beards and an amazingly expensive suit said joyfully before a waiter brought a tray of wine.

"I am a vampire, we do not have taste so I apologize for declining a drink from you, Sir Beethoven." Vladimir said politely as the man and his friends gave him an unhappy look.

"We are business partners, there is no need to reject our offer or we will think you do not acknowledge us." Beethoven said as Vladimir stared at the glass on the tray.

"I'll drink it on his behalf." I said making all of them to look at me.

"Okay, let's eat, drink and be jolly." He said before I gulped down both mine and Vladimir's drink.

When they started talking business, I left them on their own to have their discussion because everything about business bored me unless I had to kill a bloodsucking bastard.

It had been hours as I was talking to lady that approached to flirt with me that my body started to feel weird.

"Oh shit." I said softly as I looked at my dick that was painfully hard.

"What?" She asked innocently as I shook my head making her to smile at me.

"I'm sorry but I have to go. It was nice flirting with you." I managed to say, my eyes struggling to stay focused on hers.

"Pleasures all mine, love." She said with that her cute British accent and then I stood up and left while trying to hard my arousal.

It was pointless because some creatures like the werewolves, vampires and shifters could smell my arousal but they tried not to look at me as I slowly walked up to Vladimir.

"I need you." I whispered to his ears making him to pause his discussion with another man.

"Excuse me Hendrix, we might take our leave now." Vladimir said before the human nodded at him and looked at me then we both left to his study.

"Someone put Viagra in the drink maybe in hopes of getting you." I whispered and then Vladimir looked down at my length.

"Then take a cold shower." Vladimir said before I growled at his suggestion.

"You think a cold shower can whisk this away? I may not talk much about sex but when I'm painfully turned on, I never go down till I release. I will not shower when I can have sex with you because of our bargain." I demanded before Vladimir remained silent as though questioning his mind.

"Very well but we do this in my quarters, where we will not be disturbed. I should have been careful but I guess this is inevitable." He said before I nodded as I struggled to control myself since it wasn't the first time or the fifth I had been poisoned by a non killing substance.

We got into Vladimir's room and as he closed the door, I quickly stripped while he watched my every move.

"You are too much in a rush human."

"We are just friends with benefits more or less. This isn't love making just sex between a drugged man and his detested hobby." I said before I looked at Vladimir. "Also I don't bottom."

"Then you'll have to fight me."

"Gladly. You'll be surprised what a sexually starved man can do and I promise you, I won't be gentle." I said before I smirked in assurance.

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