Seven ~ Queen of Hearts

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Reed House

Good morning, beautiful. Thank you for making my birthday more special.

I'm having breakfast right now but I can't stop thinking about you.

When can I see you again?

Do you have plans this weekend?

What are you doing right now?

Briggs flooded her phone with text messages that morning as Kelsea was facing her desk full of books, papers, calculator, pens and markers. She barely had a proper breakfast and settled with her sister's usual go-to, a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. She's trying her best to stick with her weekend schedule which is to focus on studying for her upcoming state test.

Her laptop joined the cluster in her desk as she composed her resignation letter for Robin Group Holdings, which she was planning to submit in the next coming days. She made a decision that she will use the remaining months to prepare for the architect's state tests. If only she can hand Briggs something similar to make him stop bothering her, for good. She glanced at her phone as more messages are popping, all from him. She didn't waste time, gave him a call and hoping it will make him stop texting her more...

"Hi, Briggs. I'm busy studying and drafting my resignation letter for work." She quickly thought of it as a sensible excuse. She can't spend more time with him again especially after their previous encounter that she barely escaped.

"Hey Kelsea, I'm glad you called. I thought I have to send you a couple more messages to hear from you. How are you doing today?" He cheerfully answered her call.

"Look, I need to focus on passing the upcoming state test. I'm sure you understand the pressure I'm going through right now when you took yours. This is very important for me." She added, firmly.

"Of course, I do. When this whole state test of yours is over, we might end up seeing each other more at the company I worked for. I managed to put back your job application documents on top of our HR's desk.. right after I made a copy for myself." He remarked sarcastically.

Gggrrrr! Right, he still have those with him. The idea that someone has my full design portfolio not to mention my professional resume is too much. I really have to make sure I got that copy back but he must be willing to give it up. Knowing Briggs, he won't unless he gets his way. Whatever it is he wants from me this time. I just have to make sure in the end it is to my advantage.

"You know, what you did is a crime. I can report you to the police right now and request that you stay away from me. But to make it less of a hassle for both of us and not to ruin any of our professional reputation, I'll just get it from you. Give me all the copies of my job application resume and design portfolio and we'll be good." Kelsea said in a flat, professional tone.

"I'd like that idea, Miss Architect, Kelsea. How about I made you a counter offer, just meet me this weekend, just for dinner and nothing more. I'll hand it all to you. You pick the time when you would like me to pick you up." He answered back sounding more amused than threatened by her remarks.

"Let me check my schedule and I'll get back at you. But do not pick me up here at my home. I'll meet you somewhere." Kelsea remarked. No way I'll let you set foot in this house and meet my family especially my dad. It's hit or miss. Either her dad will hate him or like him and she fears the latter.

Her dad is an engineer just like Briggs and if there's anything she didn't want to happened is that her dad would be amused that she's finally dating someone more like him. She sweared she will never date anyone like her dad... and here she is, stuck with one who wouldn't easily give up on her.

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