Chapter One

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Logan's POV

"I won't do it!" I shout banging my hand on my father's desk.

He had just called me into his office saying that he has important news to tell me I thought he was finally telling me that he was handing the company over to me I have been working my ass off to prove to him that I am worthy of this company but he has yet to hand it over to me.

I thought after all this time he was finally calling me up to tell me that he was ready to trust me with this but the news that he gave me was not what I wanted to hear. My father just told me that I have to marry some girl before he will hand the company over to me.

I have been jumping through his hoops since I finished college and every time, I think I have past the final test he finds another one for me. And now he is coming with this marriage thing I am way too young to settle down.

"Then I have no choice but to pass this task over to you brother I'm sure he will be more incline to take up the offer" my father says his dark blue eyes serious.

Fuck! He always does that ever since we were kids, he has been pitting me and my brother against each other pushing us to outdo each other. I will admit that it has made us better business men and better brothers but this company will be mine I am the first born.

"Fine" I give in. "If this is what it will take for me to run this company and prove to you and the family that I am better suited for this job then fine I will marry whoever you want me to" I tell him.

"I know you would" he takes up his phone dialing someone. "Send her in"

I look at him with a frown don't tell me he's had this girl on standby waiting for me to say yes, the door behind us opens and a girl walks in. She is dressed in baggy jeans and a hoody that is way too big on her it swallows her up.

She looks young as if she's barely legal she has a head of messy jet-black hair that is pinned up on her head hiding its length from me. She looks around the room before her bright blue eyes land on me and I can't help but notice that they are a bit red and puffy.

My father walks over to her giving her a hug and she hugs him back she looks so small and fragile as if she could fall to pieces any minute. Is this really the woman that my father wants me to marry, he thinks that this woman will settle me down? He must be out of his mind.

I can bet that she is from a rich background that is the only reason he would suggest that I marry someone who is so opposite to me.

"Sloan, I want you to meet my son Logan" my father introduces us.

She looks over at me her blue eyes guarded she gives me a weak smile before averting her eyes from me and back to my father.

"So, how does this work?" she asks all informal and business like. Bitch!

My father sat us both down explaining things to us and I can honestly say that he has lost his mind if he thinks I am going to live a happy life and play house with this woman she is the least bit attractive.

Once he had finished explaining everything to us, he escorted her out of the room and I let my anger free.

"You can't be serous dad" I ask and he sits down taking a breath.

I look down at him my father is a much older version of me he has light brown hair that is going grey. The same dark blue eyes that I have his face is a little wrinkled but not by much and he has managed to keep his figure.

"Do you have any idea who that girl is?" he asks but I don't care he is making a fool of me if he thinks I will marry her and play house with her.

"I don't care I will not marry her" I tell him.

"Logan please enough of this you will marry that girl and that's it" he shouts standing and I know not to test him but I will make my point.

"Fine I will marry her but she will never be my wife she will be nothing more than a piece of unpolished prize that I will keep locked in a case I promise you that" I warn walking out.

He calls after me but I ignore him if I am to marry that girl I will but I will not be nice to her I will make both of them regret the day they forced her on me.


A week later...

It didn't take long for my father to get me hitched to that woman based on what I gathered from my PI this girl is the daughter of a very rich man. Now I get why he wants me to marry her, her family has money they probably sold her to my family. And my father always wanting to keep the company afloat took her.

I look up at her as she enters the room my father wanted to have a small ceremony at the court, he didn't want to make a fuss over this and I didn't either. My mother isn't at all happy about this union or the girl she hates the idea of it.

The girl Sloan I think her name was walks up to me she is dressed in a simple white dress that ends at her ankle her hair still up and she looks pale. This girl has nothing to interest anyone and I am stuck with her for god knows how long I look over at the judge as he starts to talk.

A few minutes later we both signed our names and exchanged rings and I was tied to this woman. After all the talks and hands were shaken my father insisted, I took this girl back to the house that he got for us.

It's a ten-bedroom mansion with a study and a studio I don't know what for but I know that it's big enough for her to stay on one side and me on the other side. I stop the car getting out heading into the house not bothering to wait for her.

I find myself in the study it's big and spacious just what I need I find a bottle of scotch getting a drink I was on my second glass when there was a knock and the door and I roll my eyes I wonder what she wants now.

"Come in" I say coldly.

The door opens and I heard footsteps before they came to a stop, I turn around looking at the pale fragile figure that was standing behind me. I hate weak people they sick me she stands just looking around before looking at me blue eyes light.

"What?" I ask irritable.

" was wondering if you wanted anything to eat, I was going to make something and I thought I should ask you if you want anything?" she asks all sweet and innocent and that ticks me off.

"I'm only going to say this once. You stay on that side of the house I stay on this side we sleep in separate rooms you stay out of my life and I stay out of yours okay" I tell her and she looks down.

"Look I know that this isn't what you wanted but we're married we should at least..."

"Try?" I say cutting her off. "You must be stupider than I thought. This isn't a marriage it's a business arrangement your nothing more than a whore that was bought and sold" I finish my drink. "Now get the fuck out of my study"

She looks at me blue eyes hurt and I feel a bit bad about being so harsh but I shake it off this is just another hoop that I am jumping through for my father she means nothing to me. She turns leaving the room and I take a breath I wonder how long before she asks me for a divorce.

Or an annulment because I know that I will never touch her no matter what this sham of a marriage will be over real soon.

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