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Nine years later...

Logan's POV

The feel of warm arms around my middle wakes me from my sleep I look down at Sloan as she sleeps her head on my chest. I smile I don't have to tell you how lucky I am to have this woman in my life to think when I first met her, I hated her the thought of being tied to her but now she is my life.

I love my wife more than anything in the world well second I should say these days as our kids take more of my love than her but she is still the light of my life. I lean down moving the hair from her neck kissing her there waking her up.

Sloan looks up at me light blue eyes happy and that makes me happy these eyes are my weakness all our kids have her eyes for some reason and they all know how to use it when they want something.

"Good morning beautiful" I say kissing her chest going down.

"You're in a good mood" she moans as I kiss her hip. "Logan, we don't have long you know these kids" she gasps as I make contact with her clit.

"Then stop talking and relax" I lower my head devouring her sex she tries to keep quiet as she comes but I know she can't so I kiss her silencing her.

"We're going to wake up the kids" she says breathless. "Humm" she moans as I slip into her. "Kiss me"

I lower my head to hers kissing her she bites my lower lip as I hit her spot god, I have made love to her so many times but each time it's better than the last and I get lost in her all over again. I feel so trapped happily trapped.

I feel her tighten around me and we both lose our selves in the moment; I look down at Sloan and she has a glow about her that makes me happy.

"Now who looks happy" I tease lowering my body on her.

Sloan wrapped her arms around me stroking my cheek.

"You make me happy" she says and I smile. "I love you"

"I love you more" I tell her and she kisses me.

We stay in bed for a few more minutes before it was time for us to get on with our daily routine. Sloan and I showered together and talk about our plans for the day before we got breakfast on the way.

"So, just to be clear you invited her to come to this thing tonight?" Sloan asks for the millionth time.

I know that she feels uncomfortable being in the same room with Hanna but we worked together on this project of mine that I'm being awarded for my parents are having a little party to celebration for it and I invited her.

She has been through a lot these past few years her husband left her for another woman and their son. After Cassalyna was born I got the test results back and found out that she wasn't pregnant with my child but that of another man.

I helped her get settled with all she needed I owed her that much for the way I treated her I owed her. We aren't friend or anything but she worked on this hard she deserves to be a part of the celebration.

"It's just one-night baby I promise" I tell her handing her the plates.

"That doesn't mean I have to like it" she says setting the table. "I'm gonna go get the kids ready" she leaves before I could say anything more.

This mouth of mine is going to get me in trouble one day I swear, I stand packing up the kids' lunch when they come down. Sloan and I have been blessed with four wonderful kids. Our oldest Cassalyna she is nine years old and the splitting image of her mother she has her light blue eyes and tall black hair.

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