Chapter Nineteen

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Sloan's POV

This can't be happening. I look down at the stick in my hand in shock. How is this even possible? I can't even believe that this is happening and at a time like this when everything is so wrong in my life.

I haven't been feeling like myself for a while now with everything that has been happening with me, I haven't had time to settle down and focus on my own self until now. I have been in France for a week now just reconnecting with myself and my art just being the woman I have always been.

And now just as I am starting to breath on my own feeling like the girl, I have always wanted to be I get this shocking news. I have always had a weird body not like most girls. My period has been off for the last few months and I thought it was just the stress but Virtue suggested that I take a pregnancy test.

I thought she was crazy but now looking at this stick with two blue lines I know she isn't. I have so many feelings running through me right now happiness is the main one I am really happy about this I have always wanted to be a mother but I feel so scared about what it means for me and Logan.

I haven't seen or spoken to him since everything happened the last time, I saw him was when I handed his father my shares. I loved knowing that I was free from all of them and myself again I left for France after helping Lori and Seth move in, I wanted to go back to where I fell in love with not only art but with my husband.

Divorce papers or not he is my husband and now the father of my unborn child I don't even know how I will tell him or if I should but right now, I just want to make sure that me and my baby will be okay.

"Cassalyna? Are you okay in there?' Virtue asks from outside the door.

I walk over to the door opening it to find her standing with a bag of chips in her hand eating I don't know how she maintains her figures with all the junk food she eats.

"So, am I going to be an aunty?" she asks looking at me and I nod. "Ahh!" she squeals hugging me and I hug her back tightly. "I am so happy for you"

"I feel so many emotions right now" I tell her honestly. "I want to call up Lori and tell her everything but I just want to be sure that we..." I put my hand on my stomach smiling. "We are okay"

Virtue gives me a smile. "Well I can take you to see my doctor in the morning and ensure that both my loves are okay" she tells me and I nod. "Now let's go get some food I'm starving"

I laugh shaking my head I head to my room getting ready I have been staying with Virtue since I arrived, we hang out at shows and galleries just having fun and right now with this new news we are going to celebrate.

I get dress in a short flare bottom dress that ends just on my thighs leaving my legs on full display. I braid my hair to the side applying light make up and lip gloss I head out I look up as I enter the living room and the person, I see stops me in my tracks at who I see.

The one person who I never thought would find me or even wanted to find me standing in Virtue's living room holding flowers. Logan turns around his dark blue eyes taking me in and everything just fades.

All the anger the hate that I thought I had for him everything just fades and all I want to do I be back with the one that I love.

"I am going to give you two some space" Virtue says taking up her coat leaving the house and it was just me and Logan.

I look over at him his suit gone his hair a bit long hanging around his neck he doesn't look like the Logan I know the man that I love he looks broken and that does things to me. I thought I could forget him move on and live my life but who am I kidding I love this man and I want him back.

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