Chapter Six

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Sloan's POV

I am laughing like really laughing I haven't laugh in so long it sounds weird to my own ears I am sitting in the garden of the hospital with my dad. He was feeling well enough for us to go outside and he has been cracking jokes left and right it's nice to see him this happy and laughing god knows I've missed this.

I look over at him and he has a smile on his face and that's all I ever wanted for him to be happy no matter what and now it looks like he is and I like that. I really wish he would get better and leave this place I want to take him on a walk go see the sunset by the ocean he loves that but I know it will never happen.

I sit and talk with him before he wanted to go back and rest, I walk him to his room just as I helped him get into bed Logan walked into the room. He has a bag in his hand he gives me a smile before handing the bag to my father.

I look at him as he takes out a book and his eyes light up; I look down to see that it's an old novel that he has always talked about and I can see that it's made him happy.

"Thank you so much for this son I have been dying to read this again" he says opening it.

"It wasn't easy to find sir but I got it" Logan tells him.

"That you did my boy that you did" my father just tunes us out starting to read.

"Okay I think we'll leave now dad" I say.

"Huh" he says reading and I shake my head.

I walk over to him kissing his cheek I grab my jacket and we head out.

"Thank you for that he's been down lately" I tell Logan as we leave and he gives me a smile.

"It was my pleasure" he says and I blush. "Now why don't we get something to eat?"

"Sure" he takes my hand leading me to his car.

Logan took me to this jazz bar the minute we walked in I was completely in love with the vibes it was just so relaxed and open I felt at home. He got us a table close to the band that was playing he pulls out my chair for me and we sit.

"This place is amazing" I tell him looking around.

"You like it?" he asks unsure.

"I love it" I tell him honestly and he smiles.

"Hi welcome to Stars can I get you guys anything?" the waitress asks.

"I'll take a glass of wine white if you have it" I tell her and she nods.

"The same for me" Logan says and she leaves. "So, tell me Sloan what do you like to do?" he asks and I blush a bit.

"I like to draw and paint" I tell him and nods. "You never did tell me what you did with that painting you bought?" I ask and he smirks.

"It's for a surprise" is all he says and I roll my eyes. "Tell me more about yourself"

I was a bit shy at first talking to him like this about myself but he made me relax he asked me all about myself everything down to my dreams. It was weird talking to him like that I never shared anything about myself with anyone but Lori I thought he would have made fun of me or something but he was sweet.

After we ate and I was more relaxed he asked me to dance I had never been this close to him his hands on my waist while mine were around his neck. I had my head down as we dance for some reason, I was afraid to look him in the eyes.

Logan tilted my chin making me look at him dark blue eyes pure and honest something I have never seen before. I never noticed how many emotions his eyes held it's like everything his face wasn't showing was clear in his eyes.

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