Chapter Sixteen

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Sloan's POV

Nothing. I am nothing now I feel nothing I taste nothing my stomach is hollow like this pit that runs deep and no matter how many feelings you pour into it they just rung right through I'm a sink with an open drain. I knew it was coming I have known for a while but still it hits hard like a car smashing into me taking the very light from my eyes.

He's gone. The one man I ever loved the man who gave me my very name he is no more and I am lost. My father, my king, my life he is no more I didn't want to believe it I still don't believe it but it's true he's gone and I am alone.

I thought I would have been stronger than this that I would have been able to handle it on my own but I can't. I am nothing now. Logan has left me too the same day my father died I wanted to run into his arms have him hold me up be my rock.

I thought he would be my shoulder to cry on the hand that wiped my tears but he wants nothing to do with me and I don't blame him. This was all an arrangement a deal made by both our fathers a long time ago his illness was just the last stamp.

I still can't believe it the reason Logan married me why he needed me I thought it was just for his father but now I realize that it was for his company. My father told me everything before he died, he wanted me to understand why this happened.

"I just wanted you to be safe and loved" he'd said the day before he died.

"I am safe father and loved so much" I told him my tears flowing free. "Please don't leave me I don't want to live without you"

He gave me a faint smile taking my hand his was cold but still my father's touch and I wanted it until my last days.

"You have Logan he will live on with you" he told me and I smile a bit. "I know you have grown to love him as I have hoped you would. I need to tell you the truth about why I wanted this for you"

"I don't care"

He shakes his head. "But I want you to know. No matter what you hear you were not bought or sold." He said and I nod. "I met Luke a few years ago when I had found out about my illness his company was experiencing hard times and I had more money than one man should. I knew this day would come and I didn't want you to be alone after all this was over so I made a deal with him when the time came he would arrange a marriage for you with one of his son and for a year if he stayed true and honest to you I would consider the dept repaid but if not, you would get the company"

I was shocked when he told me all this time, I thought Logan and I were put together from birth like in the olden days not this. I was hurt I felt betrayed by Logan that he was just lying me to save his company. But when my father told me that he didn't know that it was a secret deal between him and Mr. Grey I didn't care I just wanted him to get better.

A few days later he died and I was alone I was surrounded by people my friends but I felt incredible alone. I called Logan I left massages but he didn't pick up and I broke I cried so hard my lungs gave out.

I spent a few days in the hospital they had to sedate me to calm me down once I woke, I headed home. I wanted to be with Logan be where I felt safest but he wasn't there the next day his mother showed up with divorce papers signed by Logan.

I tried to be brave I tried to talk to him but it was all in vain I was all alone my father dead, my brother oceans away and my husband was done with me. I felt used and discarded I was at my lowest and I wanted out.

"Sloan it's me" Lori's soft voice comes from outside the door.

I look over at it from my position on the floor I am sitting in my own room at a rehabilitation center my legs crossed, I look down at my hands the bandages still there with a little spat of blood on them.

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