4 - Hyperbolic Time Training

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We find ourselves... On a planet in Universe 6? A ship crashed into the mountains, and alerted the people of the planet. Coming out of the ship, is Caulifla. Followed by Kale, and then Cabba. "What the heck happened back there?!" Caulifla demanded answers, turning to Cabba with a stern face.

"Woah- well, there was this Saiyan back on Sadala," an injured Cabba began. "And he just- started terrorizing... I was let known of this when red beams fired down from the sky... It was scary. We just scraped by, all power left the planet as we left."

Kale looked down, she had many friends on Sadala, whom she had met by working under Caulifla. A tear dropped from her eye. "Our planet... is gone?" Kale looked at Cabba.

Cabba, with much sadness and reluctance, nodded. His face scrunched in anger. "I'm afraid so..."

"Where is he now then?!" Caulfila questioned.

"I- don't sense his energy... It was huge, so he's either hiding or he's moved far away." Cabba said. "Either that or he died in the planet's destruction. I can call Vados to confirm."

Caulifla waited... "Well, get to it then! We don't have time to lose here! Our race is in danger!"

Cabba nodded, and took out an orb out of a pocket. "Vados! Angel Vados!"

Vados picked up. "Cabba? How did you survive the destruction of Sadala?!"

"Well, me, Caulifla and Kale left after I decided we couldn't fight back... It was some rogue Saiyan." Cabba said.

Over in the Grand Priest's palace.

Whis and the Grand Priest listened in on the conversation. "You're alive, Caulifla is alive, Kale is alive. Oh my oh my, what a surprise! A welcome one."

"Hmm hmm hmm." Grand Priest said. "You know that Goku one? Why not transport them to him and Vegeta."

Vados looked at Grand Priest. "Of course, an amazing idea, father! Though that will be a long journey."

Grand Priest shook his head and rose his hands. "Noitatropsnart Abbac, Elak, Alfiluac!" Grand Priest chanted.

"What in the-"

Over in the planet... the Universe 6 Saiyans disappeared...

• - 🐉 - •

Over in Planet Vampa, Broly smashed his fist into Lemocras' gut... But his opponent dodged and punched him in the cheek, and then uppercutted him. "Fool! Don't you realise?! I'm stronger and faster! Power up! Now!"

Broly growled and his eyes flashed red as he whipped his head around, firing a large Gigantic Roar! Lemocras barely shifted out of the way, and it left the edges of his arm damaged immensely. "G-Grr!" Broly shouted, he roared out. But suddenly...

A flash of wind hit Broly's stomach, and then a wild punch landed on his cheek, and then his shins were attacked, and then his sides were kicked in... He was sent back into the mountains. Smoke arose and lava erupted... Broly was now in his baseform, looking fearful. He stared at Lemocras, knowing his power was now weaker than Lemocras'... He flew at Lemocras.

"Thank you, Kakarot!" Broly shouted, he had tricked out Lemocras, and instant transmissioned away.

Lemocras stared where Broly used to be. "Hmph. Kakarot..." Lemocras said to himself. He sensed Broly's ki appear on Earth... "Hmph. So he appeared on a different planet. Guess I know where to head next."

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