6 - Raining Terror! Destruction's Arrival!

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In the Hyperbolic Time Chamber...
Vegeta fired a Final Flash after asking to be shown it by Trunks. The two were overstaying in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and were only a couple minutes away in the outside from Lemocras' estimated arrival. "That's how you do it, Trunks." He said

Trunks nodded. "Final..." He said, charging yellow energy in his hands. He then threw his hands forward. "Flash!" It didn't work, and turned more into a Burning Attack style of move.

"No, boy! You fire it in the form of a Ki Wave, not a goddamn ki ball." Vegeta shouted. Trunks nodded.

The door to the HTC swung open! Piccolo was standing in the doorway. "Both of you! You've overstayed your welcome in here. We're only a couple minutes away from the Saiyan's arrival! Everyone's gathering at Son's, so hurry it up!" Piccolo shouted. Trunks nodded and began exiting. Vegeta, reluctantly, followed.

They stepped out and were greeted by no-one but Gohan, who had been accompanying Piccolo. "You've been in there for way too long." Piccolo said. "You were meant to spend 12 hours, which is half a year, yet you spent all 16! We were meant to gather and get a game plan. But no."

Gohan sighed. "Come on guys, let's go." His Mystic aura flared up, and Piccolo's aura also flared.

Trunks bursted into Super Saiyan and Vegeta into Blue. All 4 of the warriors flew off to Goku's for the meeting.

• - 🐉 - •

Goku yawned after stepping out of the house after a long night with Chi-Chi... Goku stretched. He stepped out at the right moment- Most of his friends had arrived. It had been 16 hours. His friends landed. "Hey guys!" Goku exclaimed with a tinge of tiredness in his tone.

"Hey, Goku- hey what happened to you? You sound a bit tired." Krillin asked.

"True." Tien said in agreement.

"... Special training, mouth present, no time to explain." Goku stated. "Where's Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta and Trunks?"

"Coming now, and where's Goten?" Krillin asked.

Goku looked around- and found Goten training in the air by himself. He had been far up, so he couldn't have been noticed without reading ki. "Up there, gimme a sec." He said. He appeared behind Goten. "Hey, kiddo. You're up early."

Goten nodded. "I wanna get in as much training as I can. I woke up really early." Goten said. "Dad?"

Goku nodded. "Yeah?"

"I'm scared..." Goten said, now a fearful expression overwhelming his excited one.

"Why, whatcha scared of?" Goku asked.

Goten fumbled his hands. "Nothing- it's stupid."

"It won't be stupid, I bet."

Goten gulped and nodded. "I'm scared of you dying. This guy seems strong and- and I don't want you to leave me... I don't wanna live without a dad again, dad.

Goku was hit straight in the feelings. He thought and then nodded. "I'll stay alive, for you and for your mom. Don't worry. By the way, it's a perfectly reasonable fear."

"Pinky swear?" Goten asked. Goku nodded and held out his pinky finger.

"Yup." Goku said. Goten nodded and they shook pinky fingers. "Come on, lil' me. We got a serious battle to fight." Goku said. They both flew down. Goten seemed confident and happy now that he got his fear off of his chest.

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