70 - Distraction PART 1

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                                     My fingers gently dance over Harry's skin, tracing his tattoos. My warm breath hits his side every time I exhale as my head lies on his arm that he has put around me. But my fingers stop caressing his tattoos when they touched the butterfly.

  "I still can't believe you got yourself a moth tattooed." I whisper giggling and Harry chuckles.

  "It's not a moth. It's a butterfly." He tells me and I giggle again. But we are interrupted when Harry's phone starts ringing. Groaning, he leans over to the nightstand next to his side of the bed to take the call.

  Harry didn't even say "Hello" to the person that is calling him. A frown appears on his face as he looks at me while listening to the other person. I can already guess what this phone call is about but I just wait for Harry to tell me after hanging up.

  "I don't think...I can't make it today," Harry excuses himself and thereby confirming my assumption, "Yes, you heard me. I can't attend this...No...then just tell them I'm sick. It's not the first time you'd make up an excuse for me."

 Aimlessly, I place a kiss on his chest and Harry smiles widely, "So what? Who cares if I'm with Y/N again? She's my girlfriend, I'm allowed to spend time with her."

 Now, I'm getting curios what this phone call really is about. Harry never tells me much of his work. He says, he doesn't want to concern me with those kind of problems. But since I'm mentioned, I really wanna know in what way I'm causing problems.

  "Not for long? What are you even talking about?" Harry says frowning and I feel his grip tightening around my naked body, "Fine, I'll try to be there on time. Yeah, bye." Harry presses the red button and puts his phone back on the nightstand.

 Then, growling, he turns around and buries his head in the crook of my neck, lying with half of his body on top of mine. I wrap my arms around his back, my fingers tracing up and down his spine.

  "I'll have to attend a meeting. They all insist on me being there," Harry mumbles against my skin, "I hate leaving."

  "Hey, but you'll be back soon. It's not like you're gone touring. You'll be back in a few hours."

   "I hope so." Harry murmurs and lifts his head to kiss the tip of my nose, making me giggle.

 Then, he stands up and puts on some clean boxers before trying to find some clothes to wear. I watch him getting ready and wonder how I deserved someone so perfect. I love him so much it sometimes hurt. When he's all dressed and leans down again to kiss me.

 "I love...you...so...much." Harry says in between kisses, "See you in a few hours."

  "I love you more." I tell him and he giggles before he exists the room, leaving me with time to get stuff done.


When the front door of my flat opens, I immediately know Harry is back because he is the only one I have given a second key to. Promptly, I sit up and watch him entering my living room but he doesn't wear the same facial expression like when he left the flat. His smile is gone and he looks somewhat sad.

  "Y/N." He mumbles and avoids the eye contact. Worry wells up inside me and I jump off the couch to rush over him.

  "What's wrong, baby? Are you okay?" I ask concerned and cup both his cheeks. My thumbs trace underneath his eyes and the skin is wet. Harry cried. A sob rattles through his throat as he tries to say something but nothing comes out.

  "Breathe, Harry, and then tell me what's wrong, yeah? Do you wanna sit down?" I ask him but he shakes his head as he wipes over his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater. It broke my heart to see him so crestfallen.

  "I don't wanna lose anybody." Harry says and then a little hiccup leaves his mouth. Frowning, I take his hands in mine.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Everyone said you're not good for me. They said I couldn't be with you anymore because I threaten to tear the band apart...because I cancel stuff and so on." Harry mumbles and bites his bottom lip. The frown disappears from my face and instead I raise my eyebrows.

  "Oh." I breathe and Harry nods.

  "I don't know what to do. I can't lose you. I love you! But the boys...they're my brothers," Harry looks lost and hurt, "I just—I don't know what to do. They said you distract me too much, that I forget about my responsibilities."

  "It's okay, Harry." I tell him but my actions speak a different language when I take a step away from him. When my mind starts to realize how this conversation is going to end, my heart breaks. A little tear runs down my cheek. Harry stretches his hand out but I wipe my tears away before Harry can catch any of them.

  "If I were you...I'd rather lose one person than four frien—brothers, than four brothers. I can't let you lose them and I don't want to be in your way of who you want to be and the great things you can achieve with the boys. I can't let you give this up." I say and even though it really hurts to speak this words, I know it is right to say them. I love Harry with every inch of my heart but I can't be in his way.

  "Don't leave me, Y/N, please." Harry whispers in a raspy voice. His green eyes are bloodshot and swollen from all the tears he has shed and I can feel myself being close to a breakdown.

  "It's better that way. If this relationship distracts you from a great career and from all the fun you can have with the boys on tour and all, then I can't be so selfish and convince you to stay with me. I could never demand from you to leave the boys only so I can have you for myself." I explain to him.

  "But I love you." Harry says and then hiccups.

  "And I love you. But maybe it shouldn't be," I say and take off the ringer Harry once has given to me only to play with it in my hands, "I'm a very patient person, you know. I can wait."

  "Y/N," Harry whispers and his eyes drop to my hands, "Can you—Please keep the ring for me, though?"

  "I don't think that's a good idea, Harry." I say and look down at it. It will forever remind me of all the moments full of love we both shared together and that I now won't have anymore. It'd be a heartbreaking item that would always remind me of Harry and our beautiful time together.

  "Please, keep it for me, okay?" Harry begs and I nod. I take a deep breath and give him a weak smile. My eyes shimmer from all the tears that I'm holding back.

  "C'mon, I'll walk you to the door." I say and pass him. Harry follows me and exits my flat but turns around once again.

  "What if it's gonna take a long, long time until we can see each other again?" Harry asks and I automatically reach out and let my thumb stroke over his tear-stained cheek.

  "Then I'll be waiting this long, long time for you."

  "Promise?" Harry asks and looks at my hand again to see that I'm still playing with his ring between my fingers.

  "Of course." I nod and take my thumb from his cheek. But Harry doesn't leave. He takes the ring in his right hand and my hand in his left one. Carefully, he takes the ring which I used to wear on my index finger and puts it on my ring finger.

  "See it as a promise ring. My promise to you that I'll come back when times allows it and your promise to me that you'll wait for me and that time to come." Harry explains and his words make it impossible for me to hold back my tears. Giggling, I let them fall down my cheeks.

  "I'll see you around, angel." Harry says and kisses my forehead. I close my eyes and cherish this moment but with the knowledge that this will be our last shared moment for a long, long time.


a sad imagine i know i know but I feel like it's been a while since we had a break up imagine and I felt really inspired and then this came out 

 leave some votes and comments for me to wake up to because i'd love to know what you think :))

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